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Just like 2008, a light year although I did manage to turn out for Tutti Day for the first time after three years living in the Town. The Lumix bridge camera is still the means of capturing the images.
Feb 2009: February Snow - The snow in February was heavy an lasted for several days.
21 Apr 2009: Tutti Day - My first view of the colourful scene outside the Town Hall as the Tuttimen are despatched about their duties of the day - featuring the first lady Constable in its long history. Also the ladder ceremony.
23 Jun 2009: Water Vole - Walking on the Marsh one day I found myself looking down on a water vole from one of the narrow footbridge crossings. The long (420mm equivalent) zoom Leica lens fitted to the Lumix proved its worth here.
Dec 2009: December Snow - The year was book-ended with snow, with some atypical December scenes to fit in with the spirit of Christmas.
Trains: Better action shots of trains with the Lumix - provided the light was good, which cannot be relied upon when covering one-off trains. The Orient Express Pullman train passed through the Town hauled by its usual Southern Pacific loco Clan Line.
Local Views: A few random images - the cattle on the Marsh seemed to attract my attention.