The HHA Archive was first set up in 1984, five years after the formation of the HHA. The Archive includes books, original and transcribed documents on local history, maps, photographs, and artefacts all relating closely to Hungerford and the immediate surrounding area.

One aim of the Hungerford Virtual Museum has been to make these records more easily accessible on-line. They are made available for local historians for their personal research, and are not for publication or other reproduction. Work is ongoing to extend the list of material available on-line.

Please note: wherever appropriate, we try to add links to archive documents and other references under the appropriate article of the Virtual Museum. The list below includes only those items that do not have links in the appropriate articles elsewhere on this website. We recommend that you look at relevant articles first. If you are not successful then look at the list below.

- Audio Archives / Oral History

- Maps and Charts

- Photographic Archive

- Video Archive

Hungerford Original Documents and Transcriptions:

An increasing number of original Hungerford documents and transcriptions are available
- in Alphabetical order, and
- in Chronological order.

Can't find what you want? Try the Search option at the top-right of your screen.

Hungerford Original Documents and Transcriptions (in alphabetical order):

- Bastardy Papers for Hungerford 1712-1815 - see Caring for the Poor

- Censuses - see Population and Censuses

- Charities of Hungerford, 1906

- Charity Commissioners Scheme setting up Town & Manor of Hungerford Charity, 1908 - see Town & Manor Today

- Commoners' Lists 1781-1983

- Constables' Accounts, 1658-1789

- Dean of Sarum's Acts Books 1564-77

- Duchy of Lancaster Rentals & Surveys 1470-1676

- Electoral Register (Ownership Electors) for Hungerford, 1915

- Hearth Taxes 1662-1664

- Hocktide Court Books, 1583, 1656, 1658, 1705, 1708

- Hungerford & Ramsbury Union Guardians' Minutes 1835-1840 - see Workhouses

- Hungerford Deeds from the Hastings Manuscripts in the Huntington Library USA (c1273-c1469)

- Land Tax - for Charnham Street Tithing 1780, 1781 and 1815 - see Charnham Street

- Law-suits connected with Hungerford

- Maps and Charts

- Miscellaneous documents and transcriptions

- Monumental Inscriptions in St Lawrence Churchyard

- Muster Rolls, 1522

- Newbury Weekly News Extracts

- Norman Hidden Index of Hungerford Names (an alphabetical list of names and references from the 13th-18th century)

- Overseers of the Poor Accounts, 1725-26 - see Caring for the Poor

- Parish Magazine Extracts

- Parish Registers

- Poll Book, 1727

- Poor Rate, 1704 - see Caring for the Poor

- Probate Inventories, 1650-1760

- Quit Rent 1676-1836

- Reading Mercury Extracts

- Register of John Chandler, Dean of Salisbury, 1404-17

- Royal Charters

- Royal Exchange Fire Insurance Policies for Hungerford, 1774-1786

- Sun Fire Insurance Policies for Hungerford, 1716-1784

- Town and Manor Archives - key documents from 1366-1888 [G]

- Town and Manor Archives - photographs and press cuttings

- Town and Manor Archives - Trustees' Minute Books 1821-1972

- Trade Directories

- Wills

- Workhouses and Hungerford Union Guardians' Minutes 1835-1840

Hungerford Original Documents and Transcriptions (in chronological order):

- 1200-1800 - Norman Hidden Index of Hungerford Names

- 1248-1888 - Law-suits connected with Hungerford

- 1273-1469 - Hungerford Deeds from the Hastings Manuscripts in the Huntington Library USA

- 1366-1888 - Town and Manor Archives - key documents [G]

- 1404-1417 - Register of John Chandler

- 1470-1676 - Duchy of Lancaster Rentals & Surveys

- 1522 - Muster Rolls

- 1564-1577 - Dean of Sarum's Acts Books

- 1583-1708 - Hocktide Court Books

- 1650-1760 - Probate Inventories

- 1658-1789 - Constables' Accounts

- 1662-1664 - Hearth Taxes

- 1676-1836 - Quit Rents

- 1704 - Poor Rate - see Caring for the Poor

- 1712-1815 - Bastardy Papers for Hungerford - see Caring for the Poor

- 1716-1784 - Sun Fire Insurance Policies for Hungerford

- 1725-1726 - Overseers of the Poor Accounts - see Caring for the Poor

- 1727 - Poll Book

- 1774-1786 - Royal Exchange Fire Insurance Policies for Hungerford

- 1780-1815 - Land Tax - for Charnham Street Tithing - see Charnham Street

- 1781-1983 - Commoners' Lists

- 1801 on - Censuses - see Censuses & Population

- 1821-1972 Town and Manor Trustees' Minute Books 1821-1972

- 1835-1840 - Hungerford & Ramsbury Union Guardians' Minutes - see Workhouses

- 1906 Charities of Hungerford, 1906

- 1908 - Charity Commissioners Scheme setting up Town & Manor of Hungerford Charity, 1908 - see Town & Manor Today

- 1915 Hungerford Electoral Register (Ownership Electors only)


- Miscellaneous documents and transcriptions - see Miscellaneous Documents

- Parish Magazine extracts - see Parish Magazine

- Parish Registers - see Parish Registers

- Reading Mercury Extracts - see Reading Mercury Extracts

- Royal Charters - see Royal Charters

- Trade Directories - see Trade Directories

- Wills - see Wills

The Alphabetical Index of the Archives:

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Archaeological dig in The Croft, 1996 - see under Archeological Digs
"A Man of Hungerford" – the Memories of Jack Williams [N77a]; See also: "73 Not Out! - A Man of Hungerford" – Jack Williams [N77]
Accommodation Register - Federation of Family History Societies [S3]

Agricutural History Review Vol 54, Part 1, 2006. [S52]
Amateur Dramatics 1932 & 1933 [B45]
"Ancient and Modern" - A Celebration of the Second Millenium. A short history of The United Benefice of West Woodhay with Enborne, Hamstead Marshall, Inkpen and Combe [J113]
Antiques in Hungerford [A19]
Archaeology of the Berkshire Downs by Julian Richards [R3]
Archaeology in Berkshire - 1991 & 1992 [B26]
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (North Wessex Downs), [B34]

Artefacts - box of Miscellaneous: 
- Clothes brush "Falcon Headware" from Dopson, Hatter & Tailor, Hungerford.
- Various military medals belonging to member of the King family (from Margaret Cooper nee King, Chaddleworth, Apr 2014)
- Replica Badge (April 2004) given to the HHA recognising John & Francis West's endowment of Christ's Hospital for children from Hungerford.
- Two Town & Manor tokens celebrating Queen's Diamond Jubilee, 2012.
- Hungerford Sanitary Laundry printers block.

Aspects of the Early History of Hungerford, Norman Hidden, 2009 [P]

Balsdon Manor - Historical Notes 1870-71 by Newbury Field Club
Bastions of Berkshire - Pillboxes in World War II - see under Pillboxes & Hedgehogs
Berkshire Record Office - Catalogue of Hungerford Borough Records
Berkshire Record Office - Catalogue of Hungerford Parish Records (D/P 71)
Buildings - How to record old buildings
Battles of Newbury [A67]
Bedwyns, The – Bedwyn History Society [R2]
Bellmans Day, Sat 2nd June 2007, celebrating Robin Tubb's 50 years as Bellman [N42]
Benham Valence - Norsk Data Brochure [S71]
Berks, Bucks & Oxon Archaeological Journal: Apr 1908 [S15]; Oct 1909 [S16]; Jan 1910 [S17]; Autumn 1924 [S18]
Berkshire Archaeological Journal: 1950 & 1951 [S19]; 1994-1997 [R11]
Berkshire – the Buildings of England, Pevsner 1966-75 [P]
Berkshire Family History Society Journal, June 2006 [S24]
Berkshire Quiz Book by Suzanne Battle [R35]
Berkshire Records Office
- Information and Catalogue of Parish Records D/P 71 [A59]
- Sources for Geneology in the B.R.O. , 1979 [S99]
Berkshire Record Society
- Vol 1: Correspondence of the Foundling Hospital Inspectors in Berkshire 1757-68 by Gillian Clark [R21]
- Vol 2: Berkshire Glebe Terriers, 1634 by Ian Mortimer [R22]
- Vol 3: Berkshire Overseers' Papers, 1654-1834 by Peter Durrant [R23]
- Vol 4: Berkshire Probate Accounts 1583-1712 by Ian Mortimer. [R24]
- Vol 5: Enclosure in Berkshire 1485-1885 by Ross Wordie [R25]
- Vol 6: Reading Gild Accounts – 1357-1516 by Cecil Slade Part 1 [R26]
- Vol 7: Reading Gild Accounts – 1357-1516 by Cecil Slade Part 2 [R27]
- Vol 8: Newbury - Kendrick Workhouse Records 1627-1641 [R28]
- Vol 9: Berkshire Non-Conformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852 Part I [R29]
- Vol 10: Berkshire Non-Conformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852 Part 2 [R30]

Bicycling 1874 - A Textbook for Early Riders [uncatalogued]
Bill heads, business letter headings, bags etc [L]
"Birds and Plants of Freemen's Marsh 1970-74" by Richard & Margery Frankum [S97]
"Birds and Plants of Hungerford Common 1980-84" by Richard Frankum [S98]
Brandon Colliery, 1856-1960, History of, by Laurie Moran, 1988 [R46]
British Local History - Dillon's University Bookshop [S47]
Building Societies [B44]
Bulstrode Whitelocke (1605-1675)
- The Diary of [J107]
- Contemporaries of [J108]

Chestnut Walk residential home - information brochure c2000
Calendar of Ancient Deeds Vols 1-6 [E18]
Callva Atrebatum - Roman Silchester [J114]
Care & Compassion – Margaret Railton [S68]
Cartulary of St Frideswide [S81]
Charles I and the Civil War: Lever Arch file of research notes by Clive Priestley. Kindly donated by Mrs Daphne Priestley, Oct 2019. [??]
Charities [B6]

Church Wardens [B20]

- Burial Ground - proposals for new ground at Atherton Crescent & St. Saviour's [A39]
- Denford, Holy Trinity, inc Baptisms 1832-1920 [B15]
- Churches & Schools Group - Betty Clark [A22]
- Hymn Books and similar:
  - Hymns Ancient & Modern Revised (from St John's Mission, Hungerford) [K]
  - Hymns and Choruses of the Church Army (from St John's Mission, Hungerford) [K]
  - 100 Hymns for Today (from St Lawrence Church, Hungerford) [K]
  - Come and Praise – BBC Radio for Schools (from Hungerford Ecumenical Sunday School) [K]
- Congregational Church Baptisms 1806-37 by Sylvia Evans [A35]
- St. Saviour's - general [B10]
- Wesleyan Chapel Burial Ground, 1842-1876 [A27]
- Wesleyan Chapel Deeds [A27]
Convicts sent from Berks to New South Wales in 1831 [D]

Correspondence between Jim Davis and Norman Hidden, 1982-84 [A26]
Countryside, Change in, 1700-1900. Course notes by Julie Shuttleworth, 1992-93 ??
Craven Country - Story of Hamstead Marshall by Penelope Stokes [R12]

Deeds and Documents of 17th-19th century - how to read them, BRO, 1984
Davis (Jim), Letters from N. Hidden 1982-84 [A26]
Davis (Jim): The Jim Davis Collection - A series of draft texts, research notes and miscellaneous material passed many years ago by Jim Davis to Robert James and passed by Robert James to the HHA Archives in Jan 2019. They include:
The Bear Hotel:
• Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes on the book and its publication.
Scripts: John of Gaunt, Freeman’s Marsh, Chantries:
   • “John of Gaunt Inn” – a 7-page paper by Jim Davis.
   • “Freeman’s Marsh: A History of Dispute”. Paper by Norman Hidden – virtually identical to the chapter in his “”Aspects of the History of Hungerford”.
   • Victorian County History – photocopies of Hungerford pages 184-197.
   • Covering notes, and “Counterpart of Conveyance of John Boone’s house, lands and goods, 1675”.
   • Notes on Hungerford Chantries
   • Notes on Hungerford Charities.
The Story of an Ancient Fishery:
Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes on the book and its publication.
The Great Fight
• Copy of the book, along with a couple of pages of financial notes on the project.
Script of the Town Hall:
Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes and draft texts.
Script on The Common etc:
• Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes and draft texts.
• Charity Commission 1908 Scheme.
• Correspondence re Town & Manor dispute with Michael Stevenson at Dunn Mill, 1984.
Script of Common etc.:
• Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes and draft texts.
Handover 1985:
• Large collection of papers, correspondence and notes and draft texts.
Store of historic newspapers:
• Large collection of Hungerford Crusader and Hungerford Times.
• File containing collection of draft articles by Robert James for publication.

Various records and notes [K]
- Deeds - 24 High Street (Paul Good) [E43]
- 33 High Street "Wilton House" (kindly presented by Jonathan Welfare, 2013)
- 26-27 Park Street [E16]
Abstract of deeds and documents relating to 53-54 High Street and 17-18 Prospect Road. (from Iris Lloyd, Nov 2018) [H1]
- Bundle of Documents relating to Sanden Lodge, 34 Church Street, given to the HHA by Mrs Heather Gonzalez, daughter of the past owner Mr Harry Powell, October 2019. [H3]
- Wesleyan Chapel, Church St [A27]
Dictionary of Campanology by David W. Struckett [R36]
Dictionary of Historical Terms [S111]
- Dentons, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010 [Bookshelf]
- Thompson 2010 [Bookshelf]
Discovering Parish Boundaries, Angus Winchester 1990 [P]
Discovering the Bath Road, by Margaret Baker, 1968 [Newton Collection]
Domesday Book - John Morris [R42]

Early Medical Services - Berkshire & South Oxfordshire - Margaret Railton [R20]
Eastbury : A Berkshire Village by David Rutherford [R13]

Eddington: Deeds and documents relating to a messuage in Eddington, and Mrs M A Hofland. (No record of donor to HHA, autumn 2018)
Covering letter from Mary A Hofland at The Laurels, Eddington, 11 April 1900 to John King at Folly Farm states “The deeds herewith relate to the Eddington property but were too ancient to be necessary for the conveyance. As they are now of no interest to me, I am sending on to you…” [H2]
• 30 Sep 1697: Frances Boulding (of Eddington) to Charles Hamblen (of North Denford, Kintbury) – sale of two acres of land.
• 1 Oct 1697: Boulding and Hamblen to Noase and Rolass
• 1 Oct 1697: Boulding and Day – Counterpart of Release.
• 1735: Will of Charles Hamblem (individual legacies of one shilling, two acres in Eddington – Tubbs)
• 16 Dec 1738: Hamblen. Land in Eddington
• 30 Dec 1795: Sir Walter James James, Bart to John Dibley – lease for one year.
• 30 Dec 1795: Sir Walter James James, Bart to John Dibley – lease for one year.
• 31 Dec 1795: Sir Walter James James, Bart to John Dibley – release
• 31 Dec 1795: Sir Walter James James, Bart to John Dibley - release
• 23 Jun 1797: John Dibley to Richard Southby – lease for one year.
• 24 Jun 1797: John Dibley to Richard Southby – release for one year.
• 24 Mar 1801: Richard Southby to John Hambin – lease for one year
• 24 Mar 1801: Richard Southby to John Hambin – lease for one year
• 25 Mar 1801: Richard Southby to John Hambin – release for one year

Electoral Rolls, various [B29]
English Heritage Publications Catalogue 1999-2000 [S61]
English Local History Handlist - Kuhlicke and Emmison [S46]
Exploring the Chilterns by Pam Haseltine [S10]

Finch, Rev A., notes [B3]
Fishery, The Story of an Ancient, by Jim Davis [2] [N31] & [N31a]
Frank Rysiecki Story (Polish, 1939-1945 war) [S65]
Freeman's Marsh
- The Birds and Plants of Freeman's Marsh 1970-74 – Richard and Margery Frankum [N38]
- The Plants of Hungerford Marsh – Christine Knight [S50]
Froxfield – "Old Froxfield", Rev Alfred Barley, 1935 [S94]
Froxfield: "A Stuart Benefactress. Sarah, Duchess of Somerset" by Dr A Daly Briscoe 1973. [J115]
Funeral Sheets and Obituries [M3]

Glorious Revolution 1688, The, by Mrs. K. Merle Chacksfield [R6]
Group Projects in Local History, by Alan Rogers [R34]

HADCAF Programmes, 1993 onwards [E30]
Hungerford Community Arts Festival July 1993 [N22]
"Hedgerow Remnants" by A.B. Spicer [S70]
"Hedges in our Countryside" - Don Porter & Alan Spicer [S22]
"Historic Towns in Berkshire" by Grenville Astill [R4]
"Historical Atlas of Berkshire" (edited by Joan Dils), 1998 [P]
"Historical Monuments of England" - Royal Commission Strategic Plan [S26]
"Historical Sketch of the Town of Hungerford" by W. Money F.S.A. [N131]
"House Detectives" by Amanda Hansford & Paul Cannon [S84]

- Hungerford 1840-1850, Miscellaneous information [A32]
- Hungerford 1989 [A89]
- Hungerford 1990 [A90]
- Hungerford 1991 [A91]
- Hungerford 1992 [A92]
- Hungerford 1993 [A93]
- Hungerford 1994 [A94]
- Hungerford 1995 [A95]
"Hungerford 2000" by Rufus Segar – Town & Manor of Hungerford, 1999 [N93]
"Hungerford – A History" – HHA. Research papers & Documents, 1999 [T]
"Hungerford – A History" – HHA. 1st edition, 2000 [N134]
"Hungerford – A History" – HHA. 2nd edition, 2000 [N135]
"Hungerford - A Pictorial History" - Dr. Hugh Pihlens. 1st Edition, 1992 [N107]
"Hungerford - A Pictorial History" - Dr. Hugh Pihlens. 2nd Edition, 2007 [N108]
Hungerford and Denford Parish News Sheets – Mar-Sep 1979 [N89]
Hungerford and its Traditions, 1967 [S104]
Hungerford and its Traditions, 1967-74
Hungerford and its Traditions, 1978 [N23]
"Hungerford Beyond Domesday", by Carol Cartwright [N21]
Hungerford Borough Records [E19]
Hungerford, Borough of – Market Toll Book 1880-1957 (via Maj John Hathway)
Hungerford Business Invoices 1950 [A73]
Hungerford Camera Club [E1] & [L] (3 files)
Hungerford Carnival [E10]
Hungerford Cartulary – Wiltshire Record Society [N121]
Hungerford Christmas Fat Stock Show Catalogues + Prize Schedules – various – 1913-1934 [E26]
Hungerford Common Port Down

Hungerford Enhancement Scheme [B25]
Hungerford Family Journal of the Hungerford and Associated Families Society; May 1991; Nov 1991;May 1995; May 2000 [N40]
- The Families of Hungerford by Stanley W. Hungerford [N106]

Hungerford Transportees from Hungerford - July 1831 [A38]
Hungerford Guide Book c1950 [J116]; c1965 [S89]; c1967 [N54]; 1998 [J117]
Hungerford Handbell Ringers [B40]
Hungerford Hocktide Court Rules, 1961 [B46]

Hungerford Miscellaneous programmes and brochures [T2]
- Hungerford Festival
- Hungerford Area Evening Centre
- Church Lane Dental Practice
- Hungerford Camera Club
- "Rose of Hungerford" flyers
- Plan of Crafty Raft Race
- Bellmans Day programmes 22 Jun 2007
- Triangle Field Activity Trail
- Hungerford Club, The Croft
- Meadowview Squash and Leisure Club
- In Harmony with the High Street - Building Somerfield Supermarket
- Hungerford Tourist Guide
- Beechcroft brochure (Bearwater)
- John o'Gaunt Youth & Community Centre
- Out and About, March/April 1975
- Hungerford Surgery early patient handout

- Hungerford Official Street Plan
- Hungerford Nursing Home brochure
- Hungerford Leaisure Centre brochure
- Hungerford and District Trade Group newsletter - Jan 1995
- Leisure Guide 1989
- Hungerford Alive! activity day, 12 Jul 1997
- Queen's Golden Jubilee Concert, 1 Jun 2002
- Parish Centenary Walk, 17 Jul 1994

Hungerford Pantomime Programmes 1980-1987 [E22]

Hungerford Parish Magazines

Hungerford Parish and Town Council - 100 years service 1894-1994 (Jack Williams) [N28]
Hungerford Town Council [E12]
Hungerford Play, The - 1685-1688 - Katie Kingshill [N90[
Hungerford Remembered by Anne Pitcher [N92]
Hungerford Research Papers [E34]
Hungerford Scouts [B48]
- Secretary's Correspondence Jan 1951 – Jul 1953 [N5]
- Secretary's Correspondence Dec 1952 – Oct 1953 [N6]
- Secretary's Correspondence Oct 1951 – Nov 1952 [N7]
- Minutes Book Aug 1947 – Sep 1953 [N8]
- Minutes Book Apr 1950 – Feb 1953 [N9]
Hungerford Singers [E24]
Hungerford – The Economy of a Frontier Town, 1996. [S110]
Hungerford Times - 1990-91 [A64]
Hungerford Toll Record Book, 1890-1956 [N]
Hungerford Town Council Newsletters "Open Door":

Hungerford Town Guides:
- Official Guide c1925 [Uncatalogued]
- Official Guide c1964 [Uncatalogued]
- Information Sheet (by CHAIN) Sep 1991 [S96]
- Residents' Handbook 1997 [S101]
- Residents' Handbook 1999 [S102]
- Street Plan c1975 [S100]
- Tourist Guide, c2005 (two copies) [N41]
- Town Guide 2005-2006 [S103]
- Town Guide 2006-2008 [????]
Hungerford Town Plans:
- A Plan for Hungerford Town (Draft - 1975) - R.S. Stoddart [N81]
- A Plan for Hungerford Town (Draft - 1975) - R.S. Stoddart [N82]

- A Plan for Hungerford Town (Draft - 1975) - R.S. Stoddart [pdf]
- Hungerford 2010+, Dec 2005 [N97]
Hungerford - The Traditional Tow with a heart for Industry [???]
Hungerford Walks – leaflet of 4 walks, c1985? [S57]
Hungerford War Memorial 1939-1945 by Richard Amphlett [N29]
Hungerford Young Wives [B49]

Illegitimacy - Eve McLaughlin [S6]
Illustrated Rural Rides, 1821-32 by William Cobbett [R18]
Indentures - William Bance, Inkpen 1740; Free School, The Croft; Annuity for The Poor [A28]
Is your name Hungerford? By Jim Davis [N30]

Kennet, The, by Wilson Stephens [R48]
King George VI - "The Nation Mourns" - a bound presentation copy, 6 Feb 1952 [U]
- Kintbury & Kintbury Research Group [A21]
- Kintbury. A Century Remembered. 1900-1999 – Kintbury Volunteer Group, 1999 [R17]
- One Thousand Years of Kintbury - Thora Morrish and Margaret Yates [S23]
- Kintbury Through the Ages [R16]
- Kintbury - Local History Papers Vol 1, 1987 [S30]


- A Guide to the Lambourn Downs - Brian Frost [S29]
- A Guide to the Lambourn Downs [S28]
Last Patrol, The, by Len Woodley [R45]
Letters, 18th century [B9]
Life in a Seventeenth Century Parish [S21]
Listing Survey of Buildings in Hungerford and Combe by D of E, 1985 [A25]
Local History, A Handbook for Beginners, by Philip Riden [R40]
Local History in England by W.G. Hoskins [R41]
Local Record Sources in Print and in Progress 1972-76 - Joyce Youings [S42]

Magazine articles on Hungerford:
- "Once upon a time in Hungerford", Berkshire Life, Feb 2008
- "The town that is hot on offering a bespoke service", Wiltshire, May 2008

Millmead [E25]
Miscellaneous Documents found in The Old Granary Dec 1991 [A74]
Miscellaneous newspaper articles, HADCAF etc etc
Miscellaneous items – awaiting re-indexing [L]
Monumental Inscriptions, Notes on Recording, by JL Rayment [S54]
Monuments, Inscriptions (Rev A Finch), 1693-1885 [B4]
Monuments, Inscriptions (David Field & Betty Clark), 1693-1885 [B4]
Munford – The Betty Munford Collection – Various historic documents and letters.
Murder in Old Berkshire by Roger Long [R31]
Milestone Survey in West Berkshire - RJ Hart, Berks Archaeological Journal, Vol. 67

Narrowing the Field by Alan Rogers [S12]
National Monument Record Centre – Hungerford & District items [L]
Newbury & District Motor Services, 1932-1952, History of, by Paul Lacey. [S48]
Newbury Childhood, A, by Joan Booker [R43]
Newbury District Field Club Vol. 13 No. 1 [S13]
Newbury District Official Map, 1985 [S82]
Newbury Weekly News
- Press reports of talks [A37]
- 7 Feb 1867 [U]
Newspaper Cuttings [B7]; various in Scrapbooks 1980-1989 [Bookshelf]
- Daily Express 24th April 1900 [S67]
- Marlborough Times 11th June 1898 (inc school adverts) [S66]
- Illustrated London News, 6 Jul 1918 inc Capt Dugdale Astley mentioned in despatches p.18 (kindly given by peter Moon Jan 2017) [U]
- Hungerford Festival News, Jul 1976. [U]

"No Bed of Roses" by Audrey Franklin [S45]
Norland – Penelope Stokes [R39]
North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural beauty [B34]

Oakes Bros. Ltd., 1925-1975 [E2]
Obituaries (see also Funeral Sheets and Obituries) [E8]
"Old-fashioned Socialist, An" by Lorenzo Quelch [R38]
"One Hussar" - The Journal of James Rawlins 1853-63 by Ken Hurton [S14]
Oxford Church Courts – Depositions 1542-1550 [N55]
Oxford Church Courts – Depositions 1570-1574 [N56]

Parish Registers – National Index, Vol 8 Part 1 – Berkshire [S106]

Parish Records kept at B.R.O. [B23]

- Gerald Ward, HHA Patron 1997-2008 [E48]
- Alfred "Sonner" North, Legion d'Honneur, 21 Feb 1999 [E48]
- Giles family – carriers [E48]
- EL Jim Davies, Remembered, A Friend of the Family, Hungerford [E48]

Posters [A11]
Prehistoric Berkshire - Babtie Public Service Division [S4]
Procedure for Recording English Vernacular Architecture – Brunskill [S44]
Properties in Hungerford:
- List of Buildings of Special Architectural Interest – Hungerford, June 1984 [N88]
- Friar's Pardon, Charnham Street [E49]
- Templeton, Anvilles, Denford, Avington [E49]
Property Sales Particulars [E9]
Press Cuttings:
- NWN 31.12.1993 Nick Galbraith new chair of magistrates from Daphne Priestley
Priestley - the late Clive Priestley's research into Charles I and the Civil War [??]

Quiet Years, The – as told by Wally Dennis. D. Archer, 2001 [S64]

- Ramsbury at War by Roger Day [R15]
- Ramsbury - Then and Now by Barbara Croucher [R9]
- Holy Cross Church, Ramsbury by Mrs Barbara Croucher [R14]
Rate Books of Hungerford,
- 1875 [M]
- 1893 [M]
Record Interpreter, Abreviations, Latin Words used in Historical Manuscripts [R208] [B208]
Record Offices - information on [B42]
Register of John Chandler, Dean of Salisbury, 1404-17 [R209] [B209]
"Reminiscences of Twentieth Century Hungerford" by Pam Haseltine [N26]
- Transcripts of Oral History interviews for "Reminiscences of Hungerford" by Pam Haseltine [B28]
Riverside House & The Cottage, 2 Charnham Street – Joan Archer [A52]
Roll and Writ File of the Berkshire Eyre of 1248, Selden Society [R19]
Roman Research News [B27]
Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1743-1914, by Martin "Mac" McIntyre, 2006 [R32]

Sale Documents:
- Estate of the late Mrs Anne Hemstead, in 11 Lots, 8th August 1877 - see 35 High Street

Schools, Education and Charities

Summers' Papers - list of items

Salisbury & Wiltshire Guide to the Records of the Bishop etc [S93]
Savernake Forest:
- "Savernake at War" – a wartime history fo Savernake Forest 1940-49, Roger Day [S91]
- "Savernake Forest", by P C Walwin, 1976 [Newton Collection]
- "A History of Savernake Forest", by the Marquess of Ailesbury, 1962 [S90]
- "The Wardens of Savernake Forest", by The Earl of Cardigan, 1949 [Newton Collection]

Schools, including
- Qualifications of the Master, Regulations and Management, 1893 [A43]
- General Digest of Charities, Berkshire, Jul 1868 [A43]
- National School Gill's Geometry Text Book [R47]
Scrapbooks of Newspaper Cuttings, various 1980-1989 [Bookshelf]
Secretary Hand ABC Book, A, by Alf Ison [S8]
St. John's Ambulance Brigade
- Album on St. John's Ambulance Brigade, Transfusion Service from 1950 [P]
- Blood Transfusion Committee Minute Book, Sep 1959. [R44]
Stained Glass [A24]

Stewart Hofgartner's Heritage Collections

"Story of an Ancient Fishery" by Jim Davis [N31]
"Story of Hungerford, Berkshire, The" by W.H. Summers [N132]
"Story of Hungerford, The" by Dr. Hugh Pihlens, 1983 [N133]
Summers, Rev (Notes on Field & Place names, Notes on Register [A62]
"Sweetholm Story, The", by Jean Bishop, 2016 (inc family links to Hungerford) [J109]

Talks to HHA: see Talks to the HHA
Tally Ho, Hungerford Newtown – Regimental Wall Plate [E33]
Telephone Exchange - Directory 1904 & 1907 [A10]
Templeton House – Fae Morgan [E3]
"Thames Valley Papists" by Tony Hadland [R33]
Time Tables of the Great Western Railway Jan-Apr 1902 (inc Hungerford). (Kindly donated by John Parry, Mar 2019).
Town Hall [A68]
Town and Manor:
- Charity Commissioners Scheme Feb 1908 - see Town & Manor Today
- Survey of the Manors of Hungerford and Sanden Fee, 25th May 1591 - see Town & Manor
"Thy Chartered Freeman" by Joan Booker [R37]
Tithe Acts 1836-1918 [B11]
Town & Manor oddments [B8]
Town Characters (eg obituries) [B31]
"Tracing Your Ancestors" by D.M. Field [R7]
Trade Directories, Town Guides and Town Plans ??
Tull, Jethro: Agricultural History - Jethro Tull I, II, and III by Norman Hidden [N34]
Twinning with Ligueil [A13]
Tutti-Day (Hocktide) [A8]

Victoria County History, Vol 4, Berkshire- Hungerford entry available online: Parishes: Hungerford | British History Online (
Victorian Hungerford – course notes [E46]
"Village in the Valley (Ramsbury), A" by Barbara Croucher [R8]

"Walk About Hungerford" by Dr. Hugh Pihlens [N35]
"Wallingtons, Kintbury, Berkshire" by Brother Anthony Porter, 2009 [S94]
- Church of St Gregory, Welford. Alan Garvey, 2006 [S56]
- Church and Parish Council 1894-1994 [B24]
Welford & Wickham – Mrs Batson's Scrapbooks – 2003 [R1]
"Welford cum Wickham" by A.W. Garvey, 2000. [R133] [B133]
West Berkshire Council
- Draft Cultural Strategy 2003 [S62]
- Heritage Service Acquisition and Dispersal Policy, 1998-2002 [S85]

Whitelocke, The Diary of Bulstrode [???]
Whitelocke, Contemproies of Bulstrode [???]

William & Mary Tercentenary Magazine [S27]

Wilmott, Douglas, builder - Day Book, 1928-1932 [N104] [Y104]
Wiltshire Studies, Wiltshire Archeological & Natural History Magazine Vol 96, 2003 [S51]

Possibly missing from HHA Archive?:
- Genealogist's Magazine, June 1989 – Hayward's Epitaphs, by Norman Hidden
- "The Beauty and the Problem of an Alias" by Norman Hidden
- Monument Inscriptions - St. Lawrence - J.L. Rayment
- "Henry Brinklow of Kintbury" by Margaret Yates
- "The Blindfolded Midwife and the Littlecote Ghost"

Allen - The John Allen Collection [U]

(from Chris Allen, Sep 2019)

- The Crowning of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

- King George VI - Celebration of Victory, 8 June 1946.

- The Daily Mail - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II special edition

- The Daily Mail - Wedding of Princess Margaret to Tony Armstrong-Jones, 6 May 1960.

Hidden - The Norman Hidden Collection

The following items are available on-line:

- "A Riotous Affray at Salisbury in 1610" by Norman Hidden (Wiltshire Archeological & Natural History Magazine Vol 82, 1988) [J10A/B]

- "A Royal Baptismal Name" by Norman Hidden. [Family Tree Magazine, Vol 20, No 12, Oct 2004] [S107]

- Ancient Deeds concerning Hungerford by Norman and Joyce Hidden [J22]

- "The Beauty and the Problem of an Alias", by Norman Hidden. The Genealogists Magazine, Dec 1992 pp297-305.

- The Duchy of Lancaster Ministers' Accounts for Hungerford, transcribed by Norman Hidden. [J24]

- Ecclesiastical Documentation relating to Hungerford, transcribed by Norman Hidden [J26]

- "Hidden alias Clydesdale", by Norman Hidden. Berkshire Family History Soc, Vol 8, No 2, 1982-83.

- "Hidden Index of Hungerford Names", by Norman Hidden.

- The Hidden Index of Hungerford Wills 1457-1857 – Norman Hidden, 1997 [J41]

- Hungerford Deeds – from the Hastings Manuscripts [J25]

- The Hungerford Family from the 12th Century - extract from "The Families of Hungerford" by Stanley W. Hungerford. [Norman Hidden]

- Index to Feet of Fine relating to Hungerford 1195-1757, by Norman Hidden [J23]

- "Moral Life of Folk in Tudor Hungerford", based on a talk by Norman Hidden to the HHA in Sep 1985.

- "The Poet as Historian: Fresh Light on Urban Fire Damage in Elizabethan Hungerford" by Norman Hidden (Wilts Arch & Natural History Mag 1993)

- "Royal Itineraries and Medieval Routes" by Norman Hidden. [Wilts Arch & Natural History Mag 1996] [J11]

Various books, papers and notes by the late Norman Hidden:

- "Great Fire of Hungerford, 1566"

- "Simon de Montfort and the town of Hungerford", 2003

- "From Hommedieu to Undy"

- "The History of a Hungerford House", 1988 (111 High Street)

- "The Later Lollards of West Berkshire", 1990

- Various books, papers, and notes by the late Norman Hidden: Leverton & Hayward, Chilton Foliat & Soley; Roads, Canals, Railway and Bridges; Church Street; Jethro Tull; Soldiers in Hungerford 1700-1872; Charnham Street – Inns, Hopgrass & Tanning. [H1]

- Bridge Street; High Street (West); High Street (East) [H2]

- Chilton Lodge Estate; Manor of Hidden [H3]

- Surveys & Resident Lists 12th century – 1848 [H4]

- Parish Church, Wills [H5]

- Wills: A-Z [H6]

- Town & Borough of Hungerford [H7]

- Hungerford Engleford [H8]

- Individuals (Notes from Parish records and elsewhere). A-G; H-M; N-Z [H9]

- Early Hungerford, Mills, BVM Chantry and Religious Dissent [J1]

- From Hommedieu to Undy (Family History, Jan 1994) [S112]

- Simon de Montfort and the Town of Hungerford (The Lion, No 34) [N52]

- Thirteen Tarot Rhymes, by Norman Hidden [J2]

- The Hiddens of Hungerford, Vol. 1 by Norman Hidden [J5] & [J5a]

- The Hiddens of Hungerford, Vol. 2 by Norman Hidden [J29]

- The Hiddens of Hungerford, Vol. 3 by Norman Hidden [J30]

- The History of a Hungerford House (111 High Street) (Berkshire Old and New, No 5 1988) [S3]

- The Later Lollards of West Berkshire (Berkshire Old and New, No 7, 1990) [N51]

- The Long Journey, by Norman Hidden [J3]

- The Manor of Hidden by Norman Hidden [J4]

- English, including "Thomas Hayward and 'The British Muse'" by Norman Hidden, 1988 [J6]

- Wiltshire Archeological & Natural History Magazine Vol 83 (1990), [J12]

- Fires and Fire Insurance in Hungerford by Norman Hidden [J21]

- The Manor of Hidden (Edition 2) by Norman Hidden [J27]

- A Passion for Poetry by Norman Hidden [J42]

File 1

1. Leverton and Hayward, Chilton Foliat and Soley

2. Road, Canals, Railway and Bridges

3. Church Street, Hungerford

4. Jethro Tull and connections with Hungerford

5. Parish Record of Soldiers in Hungerford, 1700-1872

6. Charnham Street

(a) Inns – including The Bear, The Bell, The White Hart, The Red Lion, The Green Dragon, The White Bear / Black Swan, and others

(b) Hopgrass

(c) Tanning and related industries

File 2

1. Bridge Street

2 High Street (West)

3 High Street (East)

File 3

1. Chilton Lodge Estate

2 Manor of Hidden – sources and notes

File 4

Surveys & Resident Lists

1. Article: Population and Property Ownership in Medieval Hungerford
2 Index of Hungerford Names in Cartulary of St. Frideswide 12th – 16th Centuries
3 1333 Foot of Fine, Sandon Fee (1 page)
4 c.1470 Town Rental
5 1513 Terrier: Rectory Lands
6 1522 Muster
7 1543 Survey (1 page)
8 1552 Survey
9 1573 Survey
10 1589 Subsidy (1 page)
11 1591 Survey
12 1608-18 Early Stuart Tradesmen (1 page)
13 1609 Survey
14 1625 Court Baron (1+ page)
15 1641-1663 Hearth Tax
16 1676 Quit Rent Roll
17 1680 Commoners List
18 1759-85 Court Leets
19 1777 Commoners List
20 1774-80 Quit Rent Rolls
21 1795-1800 Quit Rent Rolls
22 1796 Universal Directory
23 1848 Tithe Award (1 page)

File 5

1. Parish Church

(a) The Parish Church (including The Visitations of Dean Chandler)
(b) Parish Officers
(c) Parish Registers (various analyses based on the registers, and suggestions of alternative sources)
(d) Miscellaneous Photocopies and lists

2 Wills

(a) General References to Wills
(b) Chronological List of Hungerford Wills 1457 – 1857
(c) Wells and Water Supplies mentioned in Wills
(d) Trades and Professions in Hungerford from Wills
(e) Wills of residents in Hidden and Eddington involving property
(f) Wills re property in Charnham Street
(g) Wills of residents in Sanden Fee
(h) Items of interest in Hungerford Wills
(i) Photocopies of some original Wills

File 6

1 Wills – A - Z

File 7

Town & Borough of Hungerford

1 Articles: “The Town of Hungerford”, “The Manor of Hungerford since 1399” and “Population and Property Ownership in Medieval Hungerford”
2 Miscellaneous documentation including Borough Documents, Gifts to Hungerford in various wills, Grants of Tolls, Coroners Bills
3 Town and Church Lands: including Parsonage & Rectory Documentation, individual areas: Port Down, Woodmarsh, Mill Mead etc.
4 The “Missing Charters” case and other lawsuits
5 Fishing Rights
6 DL42/117 “The Boundarie of the said town and manor of Hungerford”
7 Extracts relating to Hungerford from the Calendar of State Papers
8 Extracts from Evelyn’s and Pepy’s Diaries and other mention of Hungerford in Literature
9 Hungerford Tithings (from notes of W.H. Summers)
10 Hungerford mentions in Reading Mercury
11 Photocopies of articles on Hungerford from several sources including Report of Charity Commissioners (1906) and the Victorian County History
12 Miscellaneous: Correspondence; Modern Management; Hocktide 1988, 89; photos

File 8

Hungerford Engleford
[Also see “Hastings Mss” for H. Eng. Property deeds]

1 The Hobhouse Cartulary; Ministers’ Accounts; Court Rolls; Rentals and Surveys
2 People and places in the above
3 Miscellaneous working notes and sources

File 9

Early Hungerford, Mills,
BVM Chantry and Religious Dissent

1 Abbey of Bec and Hungerford
2 People of Importance to early Hungerford
3 Documentation for the 12th and 13th Centuries
4 The 14th Century
5 The 15th Century
6 Mills, including The Town Mill; Dye House; Dun Mill; Lawsuits; Miscellaneous notes
7 The Chantry of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8 Religious Dissent
(a) Churchwardens Presentments 1607-1698
(b) Catholics
(c) Early Dissent in Hungeford
(d) Rev. John Clarke
(e) The Butler family
(f) Presbyterians and Congregationalists
(g) Register of Quakers 1671-1788
(h) Wesleyan Methodists

James - The Robert James Collection

(Files and documents deposited by Robert James, Aug 2019)

- Extracts of deeds relating to 37-42 Church Street, kindly given to the HHA by Robert James, Aug 2019 [G]

Laker - The Sylvia Laker Collection

(Files and documents collected by Sylvia Laker, deposited by David Piper, Nov 2018.)

File of miscellaneous papers, press cuttings and photocopies, including:
• Manors – Typed accounts of local manors.
• Hocktide: various press cuttings, papers and articles.
• History: various press cuttings and articles.
• History of Hungerford and environs (typed).
• Recent events: miscellaneous press cuttings.
• William and Mary: papers and press articles.
• Local churches: Various articles and cuttings.
• Antiques: press articles.
• Local business: press cuttings.
• Inns and Public Houses: Press cuttings
• Local people: Press cuttings.
• John o’Gaunt and Borough Seal: Papers and cuttings
• Local Schools: Press cuttings
• Town and Manor: Press cuttings and papers.
• Kennet & Avion Canal: Press cuttings and photos.
• Opening of K&A Canal: Official Greetings sent to the Queen.
• Inkpen and Combe Gibbet: Articles and press cuttings.
• Letter re The Royal County of Berkshire.
• Croatian refugees: Press cuttings.
• Kintbury: A Short History (typed)
• Jethro Tull: Article
• John of Gaunt: Article (from David Nash Ford’s website)
• Open Door: Several editions from2011 and 2012.
• Hungerford Town Plan, c1973
• Hungerford Remembered, by Anne Pitcher
• Hungerford – the Economy of a Frontier Town, 1996.
• The Police Murders, 1876: articles and press cuttings.

Newton - The John Newton Collection

(Files and docy=uments deposited by the Newton family, 2015-2018):

- Relating to 55-65 High Street, 1835-1987 (deposited 2015)

Parsons’ Photos:
• Souvenir Photograph Album of King’s Visit, October 1912 (7 photos).
• Four photos (by Parsons) of the War Memorial Dedication Service, 1920
• One photo (by Parsons) of the empty International Stores site before the War Memorial was developed.
• Photo (by Parsons) of Town Mill, Bridge Street

10 High Street and 35 High Street and 127 High Street:
• 1904: Abstract of Title (15 pages!): Stephen Snook’s will 4 May 1833 bequeathed cottages to wife Mary Snook during her life, and then to his daughter Hannah Snook. Hannah had married Henry Ashley
• 19 Nov 1904: Agreement of sale by Kate Barnard to John Hawkins.
• 23 Dec 1904: Conveyance of shop, cottages and gardens from Mrs Kate Barnard to Mr John Hawkins.
• 24 Dec 1904: Mortgage by John Hawkins of dwellinghouse, shop, cottages, gardens to John Platt (Trustees of Court John o’Gaunt of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, for £600.
• 17 Jul 1926: Abstract of Title of John Hawkins to dwellinghouse, shop, cottages and gardens
• 21 Aug 1926: Conveyance of shop, dwelling house, cottages and premises by John Hawkins (confectioner) to W J Harris (baker and confectioner). [includes the right to use the pump].
• (Undated, 1926): Plan of 10 and 11 High Street, showing (from High Street frontage back along Church Lane): Dwelling house & shop (No 11); Cottage (no 10); Store (formerly cottage); Slaughter House; Wood shed; Site of oak pits and garden.
• 23 Jun 1936: Mortgage by William John Harris to Ramsbury Building Society for £700 over 21 years.
• 15 Nov 1943: Assent by Minnie Clara Harris to 35 High Street (bequeathd by William John Harris.
• 1957: Abstract of Title to 35 High Street (Minnie Harris, Robert William Harris).
• 30 Sep 1957: Mortgage of 10 HS (and other property) by Robert William Harris to Ramsbury Building Society (£500 over 10 years).
• 1957: Application for Searches on 10 & 11 High Street (William John Harris, Baker and confectioner; Minnie Clara Harris, 35 HS, widow; Leonard Edwin Shergold, Auctioneer & Estate Agent; William John Wells, 35 HS, Builder’s Clerk; Robert William Harris, 10 HS, Carpenter.
(127 High Street):
• 20 Mar 1937: Lease of 127 High Street by Erenst Dopson to Wessex Electricity Company (the shop, and the room over the passage) for 21 years.
• 1953: Abstract of Title of (daughters of Ernest Dopson) Phyllis Marguerite Prideaux and Vere Marguerita Andrews to 127 HS.
o 1928: Hawkes & Hall sold 127 HS to WR Squire, WL Squire and P Squire for £950
o 1937: Squire sold to Ernest William Dopson (of 5 High Street Hungerford) for £1,000.
• 7 Jul 1953: Conveyance of 127a High Street from Mrs Phyllis Eileen Prideaux (Warminster) and Mrs Vere Marguerite Andrews (44 High Street Hungerford) to Southern Electricity Board. Ernest Dopson died 4 Jan 1950.
• 27 Dec 1973: Conveyance of 127 High Street from Southern Electricity Board to Newbury District Council for £39,000.

“Hungerford Historicals” folder:

• Photocopy of Marlborough Times 31 Jul 1886: “Hungerford. Perambulating the Borough Boundaries”. (On HVM under Gibbons Iron Works)
• Photocopy of Newbury Weekly News 9 Feb 1888: “The Hungerford Boundary Case, Gibbons v. Platt”. (On HVM under Gibbons Iron Works)
• The Hungerford Crusader:
o Vol 1, No. 1, December 1980.
o Vol 1, No. 2, December 1980.
o Vol 2, No. 1, August 1981
• Charity Commission Scheme for Town & Manor of Hungerford, 1908.
• Copy of the rules of the Hocktide Court
• Commoners List, 1977.
• Press cutting (undated, c. Oct 1984) “Leave Hungerford in Berkshire, say residents.

“Historical Hungerford” folder:

• Sale poster for auction of 9 & 10 Charnham Street, 20 Jul 1936.
• Collection of (about 60) invoices and letters, mostly 1900-1998.
• Small account book 1862-1899. Contains records of measurements for clothes.
• Small account book, 1855.
• Hungerford Fishery day tickets – 1858-1863.
• Small “Gravel Book” 1855-86. (Records of orders shipped).

Large envelope “The Quiet Years”:

• Printed draft of “The Quiet Years” by D Archer, as told by Wally Dennis.
• Bound paper of Wally Dennis’s memories of his childhood in Shalbourne.

“Hungerford Tragedy Fund” folder:

• A thick folder containing records, letters, programs, etc relating to the Hungerford Tragedy, 1987.

Other loose files, and letters:

• Correspondence between John Newton and Alan Potter in 1997 relating to the 180 Coy ASC MT in Hungerford.
• “Every Day was a Novelty” – Pte James McInnes, 1915-1918 (including his period in Hungerford).
• Folder of press cuttings and correspondence relating to Hungerford Trade and Industry, 1985-86.
• Photocopy of Hungerford’s celebrations of the Coronation of King George VI, 12 May 1937.
• Folder of papers, transcriptions and photos relating to Hungerford Fire Service.
• Folder of miscellaneous press cuttings – fascinating!
• Folder of miscellaneous property sales: 9&10 Charnham Street (1936); 27 High Street (c1974); 129 High Street (by Betty Munford); 13 High Street (c1974).
• Envelope of miscellaneous press cuttings, posters, photos, invoices etc etc. – fascinating!
• Envelope of notes and records on Eddington Mill (and other mills).
• Envelope of notes on Denford Mill, Denford Fishery, hatches and flow of water, 1992.
• Large envelope of miscellaneous papers, correspondence.

Miscellaneous photographs: including carnivals, redevelopment of various properties in Hungerford, Hungerford tragedy and Mrs Thatchers' visit.

"Ancient and Modern - a short history of West Woodhay with Enborne, Hamstead Marshall, Inkpen and Combe", 1999.

Other books in the collection are listed separately, under their own headings.

Tubb - The Robin Tubb Collection

(Files and documents deposited by Gary Tubb 2015):

- Hungerford Skating Rink (Corn Exchange) records, 1910
- Town & Manor:
     Register of Owners and Occupiers of Commoners' properties:1902-1996
     Commoners' Lists
     Various items on Hocktide and Town & Manor
- Town Band
- National School
- Scouts
- Parish Church
- West Berks Association - "The Rules and Regulations of the WBA, "for the Protection of property and persecution of Felons, established 1835". Includes list of members, and minutes of meetings.
- Various photographs
- Miscellaneous

Williams – The Jack Williams Collection

File C: (Files and documents deposited by Jack Williams in 2013-2017):

[C01] Triangle Field, 1990-1995.
[C02] Hungerford & District Nursing Association, 1983-1995.
[C03] Silver Jubilee Trust, 1978-1993.
[C04] Recreation & Amenities Committee, 1991-1993 (inc Smitham Bridge Playground).
[C05] Town Council Elections, 1983-1991 (inc Electoral Rolls for Hungerford).
[C06] Bosnian Refugees 1992 (Thames Valley Bosnian Appeal and other papers, 1992-97).
[C07] Croft Hall Correspondence, 2000 (relating to Trustees, Withers solicitors etc).
[C08] --
[C09] Unitary Authority: A thick file of correspondence, notes, press cuttings about the future structure of local government in Berkshire, c1991-1994.
[C10] Proposed statue of John O’Gaunt: Collection of papers about the John O’Gaunt Statue Committee (main proponent Mrs Gwyneth Bullock) 2000-2002.
[C11] Recreation Survey: File of correspondence and notes about the proposed survey in 1987-88.
[C12] Museum Committee, c1993.
[C13] Fire Brigade:   A.F.S. Training records (includes a small number of records of individual firemen’s training. 1956-57).

Box 1: (Files and documents deposited by Jack Williams in 2013-2017):

- Ambulance Service and Newbury Hospital: A file of papers about local emergencies, and the proposed new Newbury Hospital, 1990.
- Berkshire County Council & Thames Valley Enterprise Information Pack, c1992
- Brownie Registers: Seven registers (including some records of income and expenditure) covering the periods:
       - Feb 1938 – 1940
       - 1939-1947
       - 1948-1951
       - 1956-1959
       - Mar 1960 – Oct 1962
       - 1962-66
       - Jun 1966 – Jul 1968
- Cricket Club
       - miscellaneous correspondence 1953-2003. 
       - Poster for 1991 seasons (includes fixtures and sponsors adverts).
- Fire Brigade Records, including
  - Fire Reports,
  - Attendance / Payment Claims, 8 May 1960- 27 Dec 1960.
  - Log books, including 1958 Karrier PRX 60, Berkshire and Reading Fire Brigade Log Book for Morris OMO 967 3 Dec 1957 – 8 Jun 1965. (Includes detailed information about the fire engine, and fire calls).
   - Berkshire & Reading Fire Brigade Fire Reports. Six record books (all include detailed information about individual fire calls) covering the periods:
       - 20 Nov 1954 – 20 Apr 1956.
       - 16 Apr 1956 – 28 Feb 1958.
       - 3 Jun 1960 – 19 Jan 1962.
       - 20 Feb 1963 – 9 Mar 1964.
       - 8 Mar 1964 – 8 Sep 1964.
       - 8 Sep 1964 - 1966.
   - Record of Occurrences – Station No 5. 3 Dec 1979 – 27 Jan 1976 (Summary and statistics only).
  - Station Duty Book 1891-1900
  - Hungerford Volunteer Fire Brigade:
       - Cash Book, 1891-1902
       - Official Minute Book of Members meetings, 22 Sep 1891 – 19 Feb 1912.
       - Provisional Committee 7 Sep 1891 – 1 Feb 1892.
       - Executive Committee AGM 25 Nov 1892 – 13 Feb 1912.
  - Fire Quiz questions and answers (regularly used in the 1950s and 60s.
  - Lambourn Fire Brigade history.
  - Certificate for Meritorious Service in the Fire Brigade for Charles Williams, 1939-1961.
  - Photos of fire at Great Western Mill, Jun 1960
- Fish Mortality 1998 – Technical Report.
- Footpath 54 (across Town & Manor land to the old Bathing Place). The dispute 1984-2000.
- Footpaths, town plans, Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000, maps, survey of public seats 1998, and proposed development of Pill Boxes at Denford 2001.
- High Street Enhancement Scheme, 1994-1998.
- HMS Freesia - various cuttings and correspondence.
- Hungerford 2010+ - various papers.
- Hungerford Museum: File of correspondence and notes
   - 1993 - about the possibility of opening a Museum.
   - 2008 – about the proposed joint historical project with BRO and HHA and Town & Manor records
- Hungerford Sanitary Laundry Co Ltd: Printer’s block, (12.7cm x 11.8cm) for the laundry (c1910).
- John of Gaunt - proposed statue, 2002.
- Miscellaneous press cuttings and correspondence.
- Mobile phone masts around Football Ground - letter 1 Nov 2006.
- Newspapers and cuttings, 19th and 20th century.
- Proposed Unitary Authority, 1991-1994
- Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation – Celebration Committee Minute BookNov 1952 – Aug 1953
- St Lawrence’s Church: Large plan of the graves and headstones, mostly cleared in 1973.
- Town Band.
- Trade & Industry / Chamber of Commerce: Two files of papers (1985 and 1990-1996) relating to the establishment of Hungerford & District Trade Group aka Chamber of Commerce.
- Trencherwood, Draft agreements regaring Church Street developments 1986 (Pound Piece, Wessex Close, Shalbourne Close etc).
- War Memorial, Bridge Street - Correspondence 1970-1995.
- West Berkshire Planning Strategy, May 2008
- Wives Group (Minutes and correspondence 1988-89, Short History)

Box 2: (Books deposited by Andrew Williams after Jack's death March 2021):

Hungerford Parish Council:
- Minute Book, 29 Mar 1940 – 5 Mar 1952 (pages 1-270).
- Minute Book, May 1965-April 1973 (pages 270-578).
- Account Book, April 1934-March 1961.
- War memorial Ground Accounts, April 1950-April 1998.

Chilton Wesleyan Chapel:
- Book of letters received on the 150th Anniversary of the old Methodist Chapel in Chilton Foliat, August 1947)
- Accounts Book, 1910-1993.

Hungerford Methodist Churches:
- Trustees’ Minute Book, February 1912 – Jan 1969.
- Memorandum of Appointment of New Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Burial Ground in Church Street, Hungerford, April 1925.

British Legion, Hungerford Branch:
- Minute Book from Oct 1931 – Nov 1950.
- Minute Book from Oct 1954 – Sep 1957.
- Minute Book from Nov 1969 – Dec 1972.
- Minute Book from Nov 1972 – Nov 1994.

Hungerford Cricket Club Scoring Book Jun – Aug 1952.

Hungerford War Weapons Week, April 19-26 1941 Minute Book, Jan 1941 - Feb 1948.

Women’ Institute Scrapbook of Hungerford events 1965/66 (includes items and postcards from earlier dates - Snow. New reservoir for Hungerford. Jacobean chapel in Manor House. Face-lift for Town Hall clock. Hungerford Theatre Club. Sam Stirland’s wedding. Hocktide. John Adnams Centenary. Busy Bank Holiday events. Arthur Barrett, Blacksmith. Polyhomes. Chilton Group of Companies. Golden wedding of Bert Gibbs, conjurer. Poor weather hits swimming pool takings. Theatre Club. British Legion. Repair of Town Hall Clock. Newbury’s 1965 Christmas Show – Albert and Alan Holland. Denford Park School to close. Hocktide 1966. WI at Buckingham Palace. Fairfield Opening 1964. GPO and telephone exchange..

Newspaper Cuttings Book – April 1929-May 1946. (Inc Rules and Regulations of Hungerford Fishery, 1896). 1929 Hocktide. 1930 Hocktide.  1931 Hocktide.  1932 Hocktide; Trustees.  1933 Hocktide.  1934 Hocktide; Beating the Bounds.  1935 Hocktide; Trustees; Tribute to H D’O Astley; King’s Silver Jubilee.  1936 Fishery & Commons rules amended; Condolence to the Queen; Proclamation of Edward VIII. Jubilee Tree Planting. Hocktide in the snow. Coroiation of Edward VIII.  1937 Hocktide. Golf Club. Coronation festivities. Death of Dr Starkey-Smith.  1938 Hocktide. Council Houses.  1939 Hocktide. Beating the Bounds.  1940 Hocktide.  1942 Hocktide.  1943 Hocktide.  1945 Hocktide. War Memorial Recreation Ground discussed.  1946 Hocktide.

Berkshire Records Office – Catalogue of Hungerford Borough Records (including new deposits made in 1981).

Lever arch file of “The Town and Manor of Hungerford Principal Documents” – including correspondence, legal records and plans of various parcels of land.

Board (plywood, 142.1 x 91.0cm) listing Hungerford Rural District Chairmen, 1895-1974.

“Regretful ode to a departing friend” – An ode to Hungerford Hospital by R.T. “Bob” Maslin (in frame 52.6 x 36.0cm).

“The Royal Air Force Comforts Committee” award to “Hungerford Knitting Club” in recognition of Services rendered during the Second World War. Signed by Portal of Hungerford. October 1945, (in frame 47.0 x 39.3cm). [On the back is a typed label: “The Hungerford Services Knitting Club founded during the war of 1939-1945 was carried on by 125 knitters under the presidency of Margaret Floyer Willes.”]

Aerial photograph of Hungerford Hospital, c. 1960 (pre 1965 when Macklin Close was built).

Poster (31.6 x 25.3cm) – “The Queen’s Plaque” presented to Hungerford RDG by the National Savings Committee on its 50th Anniversary.


Box 3: (Books deposited by Andrew Williams after Jack's death March 2021):

Wall plaque (in cream plastic, ?Bakerlite?, 40cm x 24cm) - War Savings Campaign 1944.
Presented by the War Office to the local savings committee in appreciation of their success in Salute the Soldier Week.

Hungerford Parish Council:
- Minute Book, 10 Jan 1907 – 20 Mar 1922
- Minute Book, 20 Mar 1922 – 29 Mar 1940
- Minute Book, 30 May 1956 – 5 May 1965
- Minute Book, 1 Jan 1975 – 6 May 1980
- Minute Book, 6 Mar 1989 – 4 Jul 1983

Framed photograph of HMS Freesia, 1940-1947

Collection of papers including Rules of Hocktide Court

Loyal Address by Jack Williams, Mayor of Hungerford, to HM Queen Elizabeth on the opening of the Kennet & Avon Canal, August 1990. Also – letter of thanks from HM Yacht Brittania.

Commoners’ List, 1914

Our Mag – Journal of 339 (MT) Coy, ASC. 20 Mar 1916.

Minutes and Accounts of Swimming Pool Management Committee, 1963-1976.

Large framed photograph (51 x 41cm) of Chilton Factory, c1975.

Large board of collated plans and text relating to the Tragedy Memorial, 1991.

Magazines and Newspapers:

* The Adviser from 11 July 1992
* Chain Mail from September 1980
* Hungerford Bridge - Parish Magazine from Jan 1982

Scrap Books:

Cuttings from Marlborough Times March 1981 - December 1989 re Hungerford, Pat Gray - [Drawer C]


Hungerford Tragedy Memorial Service 8th August 1987 [C2]
Reminiscences of Hungerford John Allen and Alfred North [C3]
Growth of Non-conformity in West Berkshire - Thora Morrish. 23 Jun 1993 [C9]
Lower Denford Farm 1908-1911 - Kerr Kirkwood 24 May 1995 [C10]

DVDs and CDs:

Extract from Gardener's World, Ron Hoyes and Hungerford Police Station – Aug 1992
A Humerous Look at people and Places in Hungerford – Jack Williams, 24 May 2000
A Look at Hungerford's History - Dr. Hugh Pihlens, 28 Jan 98
Hungerford Alive, 12 Jul 1997
History of Wallington's, St. Cassians – Bro Anthony Porter, 26 Jan 2005
HADCAF, Jul 2000
Hocktide in Hungerford – The Story of the Ancient Tradition
Hungerford – The Traditional Town with a Heart for Industry, c1990
Eastbury: A Berkshire Village – David Rutherford (2003)
Hungerford – A History (2000)
John Allen's work, including various articles, and Parish Registers 1870-2006
Richard Amphlett: Second World War Memorials
The Story of the Fire Service (inc old photos of Hungerford fire brigade)

Artefacts & Memorabilia:

- Replica badge worn on their bluecoat uniforms by pupils who gain admission to Christ's Hospital through West's Gifts (given to HHA April 2004)
- Dendro section from 2 Bridge Street – 1384-1532 – 149 rings.

A4 Lever Arch Files:

1. Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1870-1899 – John Allen.
2. Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1900-1929 – John Allen.
3. Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1930-1953 – John Allen.
4. Copies of Documents used for "Hungerford – A History"
5. National Monument Record Centre, Swindon - website printout of main sources available
6. Baptisms – Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Hungerford. 1837-1903 – John Allen
7. Hungerford Ecumenical Sunday School – John Allen
8. Newbury Weekly News Reports, 2000-2003 – Piers Dunn
9. Hungerford – General
10. Hungerford Parish Records – Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1981-1999 – John Allen

Boxfile 1:

Davis (Jim), Primary research notes for The Bear, Hungerford Fishery and Fight on Hungerford Common

Boxfile 2:

Original research notes of W.H. Summers (donated by Dr Humphrey Hope, 2007)

See also:

- Hungerford Parish records at the Berkshire Record Office

- Victoria County History, Vol 4, Hungerford - British History online

- British Pathé website - including many archive clips of Hungerford

- Some notes on Medieval English Genealogy (