You are in [Themes] [Schools] [Union Workhouse School]
When the new Hungerford & Ramsbury Workhouse was opened in Cow Lane (now Park Street) in 1848, plans were made to appoint a schoolmaster to help educate the children. An advert was placed in the Berkshire Chronicle of 19th February 1848 seeking "a schoolmaster at Hungerford Workhouse, the salary to be £30 p.a." the man to be over 21 years and single.
In July 1848 additions to the workhouse included a "Clock to the schoolroom" inspected and approved £4.
The 1850 Slater's Directory states that the Poor Law Workhouse, Cow Lane, Hungerford; Governor - James Hoare; Matron - Frances Hoare; School Master - John Walters; School Mistress - Jane Davis.
The 1851 census lists about 150 inmates.
In 1864, Billings Directory still names Mr & Mrs J. Hoare as Master and Matron, but the Schoolmistress is now Mary Ann Brewer. This is the last directory to mention school teachers.
From May 1877 boys resident in the Union Workhouse were admitted to the National School in the High Street.
The workhouse closed in 1947, becoming a psycho-geriatric hospital in the Fairmile Hospital Group. Follow this link for more on the Workhouse and Hungerford Hospital.
Photo Gallery:
- Union Workhouse, Park Street, 1848-1947.
School Masters & Mistresses:
1850 John Walters / Jane Davis
1864 Mr J Hoare / Mary Ann Brewer
See also:
- Parish Magazines, esp May 1877.