
This bundle of papers, currently in a blue box file held by the Town and Manor, includes copies and translations of a large number of documents (deeds, charters, articles) relating to the core history of the Town and Manor of Hungerford from 1366-1888. They were discovered amongst other papers in 2019, and were catalogued by Dr Hugh Pihlens in August 2019.

There is a covering “List of Documents and Antiquities belonging to the Town and Manor and held by the Constable”, John Platt junior (Constable 1881-1888). It seems that this was when many of the original documents (most of them held in the Public Record Office, now National Archives) were translated and transcribed (mostly in 1888 by Peter Turner, of the PRO).

It is important to note that not all of the documents itemised in the List of Documents are actually present in the file. The reason for this is unclear, but presumably some have been lost at some time since they were collated in 1888.

The documents are in chronological order. Those with their dated entry in bold type are present in the bundle. The non-bold items appear to be missing.

The whole collection provides an important resource for the history of the Town and Manor. I strongly suspect that all the items are available at the National Archives, but this summary, apparently made in 1888, brings many of them together, the early Latin texts being transcribed into English.

The List of Documents and Antiquities:

Page 1:

1. Platt als Gibbons. List of Defendants and Documents in chronological order:

A. A Hunting Horn…

B. Another Hunting Horn

Page 2:

- A silver seal with the words “THE BYROYG OF HYNGERFORD” (impression annexed)

• 1. 1366: Certified copy of license from Edward III to John of Gaunt and Blanche his wife to enfeoff Trustees of (inter alia = among other things) the Manor of Hungerford and translation thereof. [Copy translation of Licence to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Blanche his wife to enfeoff trustees (inter alia) the Manor of Hungerford. The Trustees to re-grant to John and Blanche and heirs of Blanche. 18th October 1366] 5 pages.

• 1A. 1406 about: Certified copy Lease from Henry IV to William Golding of the Manor of Hungerford.

• 2. 1433: Letters patent of Henry VI being a grant and confirmation of the Manor of Hungerford and translation thereof. [Copy Translation of the Charter of Henry VI]. 9 pages.
On page 8: “We command you that all & singular the liberties customs franchises & royal rights (jura regalia) aforesaid as well within our manor & lordship of Hungerford with the appurtenances in the county of Berks which are parcel of the said Duchy [of Lancaster] as it is called as in other places within the same Duchy be held exercised continued & done & you shall permit all & singular the men & tenants of the same manor & lordship & also the resiants within the same Lordship & manor to use & enjoy those liberties customs & franchises & any of them according to the tenure of the charters letters & confirmations aforesaid & that they may use them the same as they & their predecessors did use the like liberties franchises & customs & every of them from the time of the making of the charters letters & confirmation aforesaid always so far as they have been wont reasonably to use and enjoy them.”

• 2A. 1433-34: Certified copy extracts from accounts of the Bailiff of Sir Walter Hungerford Knight 11 & 12, Henry VI. [Copy Translation of Charter of King Henry VI to Sir Walter Hungerford of the Manor of Hungerford, 20th May 1446]. 3 pages.

• 2B. 1446: Certified copy Charter of Henry VI to Sir Walter Hungerford of the Manor of Hungerford and translation thereof.

• 3. 1466: Letters patent of Edward IV being also a grant & confirmation of the Manor of Hungerford and translation thereof. [Copy Translation of the Charter of Edward IV.). 8 pages.

• 3A. 1487: Certified copy extracts from Minister’s accounts of profits derived from the Manor of Hungerford and translation thereof. [Copy Translation of Minister’s accounts of profits derived from the Manor of Hungerford. 2 & 3, Henry VII]. 4 pages.
A very interesting document worthy of further research.

• 4. 1543 about: Certified copy Extracts from Survey of the Manor of Hungerford taken about 1543. [Certified copy Extracts from Survey Henry VIII about 1543.]. 2 pages.
Another interesting document, mentioning
“Hungerforde Pke. It(em) the sayde Parke contaynyth ij miles abowte and three ples thereof well paylde.
It in the sayde pke a Copse callyd the olde Copse contaynyng x acr (10 acres)…
…Conynger Copse…
new Copse contaynyng xij acr (12 acres) of the aige of xxy yeres (?20 years) thyn sett wt mapull and hassell (thin set with maple and hazel).
Hungreford Towne. It the Courte house there is ruinis and utterly deKeyd also ther is common belonging to the sayde Towne which is callyd Portdowne contayniyng ex(?) acr upon whiche growth l (50) tymber ock which ock the Towne claymeyth to have for ther necessarye buyldyng.

• 5. 1553: Certified copy Extracts from Survey of the Manor of Hungerford taken by the Surveyor of the Duchy of Lancaster 16 September 1553. [Copy attested copy Extracts from the Manor of Hungerford made by the Surveyor of the Duchy. 16th September 1553, 6, Edward VI.]. 2 pages.
Lists the 14 Jurymen, and the key property of the town – mostly the fishing in the river, the commons and heaths.

• 6. 1573: Old copy Complaint of T. Seamer (Thomas Seymour?) Constable N. Passyn (Passion?) and other inhabitants of Hungerford to the Earl of Pembroke respecting the Fishery on the 25 January 1573 and fair copy thereof. [Copy to the Earl of Pembroke the complaint of J. Seamer Constable N. Passyon J. Fowler & other the inhabitants of Hungerford, 1573.].3 pages.
.. Thomas Seymer Constable of the towne of Hungerforde in the County of Barkes Nycolas Passyon of the sayde Towne Clothier John Fawler of the sayd towne draper And all other the inhabitants ther that where as most Gracus Lorde the said pooer towne of Hunerfforde Begynge parcelled of the Queen’s majesties Duchy of Lankaster By the space of the CCC & odde years (300+ years) as By specyall Recorde thereof yt may at Large apere have hadde helds occupied & peasablye Injoyed By Grante of Charter under the Gret seale of England conffyrmydd And by Act of parliament establyshidde dyveres & sondery Lyberties customes privyledges commens & freedoms…

• 7. 1573: Survey of the Queen’s Manors of Edington (Eddington) Hungerford and Sanden Fee 11th February 1573 and fair copy thereof. [Copy Survey of the Queen’s Manors of Edington Hungerford and Sanden Fee, 11th February 1573, 15, Elizabeth.]. 5 pages.
..Presentment.. between Edmonde Twynho surveiour of the Duchie of Lancaster… & John Burche, Henry Eades, John Fawller, John Hawkes, Thomas Seymer, Robert Weights, JohnEwle(?), George Glidesdale, Richard Mytton, Anthony Harvie, Richarde Curre, William Grove & John Dolman, jurors…
…the Queen’s Mannour of Hidden & Edington… beginneth at Denfford pounde hed, with a hedge on the easte & so leadeth to London highewaie & so crosseth over the same waie & then leadeth with a hedge into a wood called the common wood & boundeth in the same wood unto a highe waie & a gate called Ydinton grove gate. And so leadeth a hedge between the lands of Richard Chocke gentleman into a wood called the Breache wood. And then leadeth a hedge to hide wood and so with a hedge to the upper ende of Hide feilde. And retonneth with a hedge to howkes diche & there crosseth the waie between Shafforde & Hungerforde. And so leadeth a hedge to a leas called Cowleas. And then leadeth a hedge to the uperende of mearce feilde. And retoineth to wildes wood between the lands of Anthony Hinton gentleman & the lands of the Mannour of Hidden And leadeth a hedge thorough the middeste of the said wood And retorneth with a hedge to a pece of grounds called Rowe putkins. And leadeth with a hedge to the upper ende of Edington Mille pounde And leadeth up the river of Kennette unto Eldronstubb And then leadeth with a hedge between Charnham Feilde & Chilton feilde And then with a meare or lanchyarde unto a coppis of wood called easte Oakewood & fetcheth in the said wood & so goeth with a hedge unto weste Oakewood house of then herytaunce of George Essex gentleman & fitcheth in two(?) closes pertaining to the said Oakewood & the coppesses leading a hedge & a ditch which parteth the parish of Chilton & ramedburye & Froxfeilde unto Horye lane & then retorneth with a hedge that reacheth downe to London highe waie & crosseth the waie to a coppys called hide meade coppys & fetcheth in the said copy retorningw with a hedge betwict hide mede And a mede called Picked meade & so downs the river & ledth a longe the said river unto a mead called Cadelwhoke the which boundeth out the parishe on the south And so with a hedge that leadeth to the river & then crosseth the same river with a h(ed)ge leading to a fielde of North standen called hackelease & then leadeth with a hedge to a high waie that goeth fromeHungerforde to Bedwin And then crosseth the same waie unto a close of pasture called hoise(?) cloase & so leadeth a hedge unto a grounde called Rookehaise & leadeth with a hedge unto the wood called north standend highwood & fetcheth in the same highwood leading with a hedge on the east between wood house close & the north field of Standen Hussey & then crosseth over to a grounde called Cattesmore coppes & with a hedge bounded with a Baggesheale on the west & then torneth(?) with a crook to a pece of ground called Clefielde And then crosseth the waie to a close called Baggeshale mille close & then with a hedge to a fielde called Pitle(?) west crofte & so retourneth with the water couse that cometh from Shalboune to a pece of ground called stokelands to the ende of Bede lane.
Item that the Towne & Mannour of Hungerford within the Boundarye of the east side begyneth at the Queen’s mylle with the Backwater compassing in the free chappell late the priore of St James & leading the river to the Bell Meade corner & so passeth over a river that cometh from Chilton to Denfforde pounde bed & so passeth over the meade unto the water that cometh out of the Fludd hatches to a myll called Dunne Mylle of thenherytance of Richard Chock gentleman & so leadeth the river to Denford Bridge & so up to Denford Myll And fetcheth in the ground called Colsmas pertaining to the said Myll of Denford & and is parcel of the title of St Margaretts in Shalbourne which said Crelshams is several at Candlemas to the tennaunte of Denford Mylle And the afterleas thereof at Lammas is come to the towne of Hungerford & so leadeth downe the river to Charles forde pounde hed. And so leadeth a hedge to Ynglewood downe on the easte to Hungerforde park pale within the whole & yreucyte(?) of Hungerforde park And so back again to Hungerforde downe called the porte downe gate & then leadeth a hedge a field called the breach & so to the common pounde & so with a hedge upon the south side of a highe waie called the coulaine and compasseth in all the toune with the backsides bounding on the breach unto the South end thereof & so compasseth all the backsides bounding on Homefielde & leadeth with a hedge upon the west side of the said towne & leadeth a pale between the Land of Thomas Seimour now in the teanure of Roger Lovelacke and one Tenement of the Chauntry of ourLadie on the west side & extendeth to a well in the Church Lane & leadeth with a hedge & pales to Hungerford Mylle pounde & there endeth.
Item that the mannor of Sanden Fee with his Boundraie with the uttermost boundarie of the parishe on the south side beginning at Hungerford Mylle pounde hed & so to Stockham brigge & leadeth up the river & boundeth on Freeman’s Marsh on the southe And the mannour of hop grasse on the north of the river that cometh from Froxfeilde parteth Wiltshire & Barkes & then to a bridge called Freeman’s Marsh bridge & from(?) that with a crosse bridge retourninge back to the south & leadeth up the hill with a hedge upon the weste side to reshing(?) thorne the which divideth the mannour of North Standen & so resteth therin & then leadeth a hedge alonge west brook feilde to Commeshanger & then to a river that cometh from Shalborne & so goeth up the same River to a pece of grounde called the Pikes & reacheth to the highe waie that leadeth to Sarum.

• 7A. -do-: Certified copy of Commission Interrogateries depositions &c taken in the matter of the Tenants &c of Hungerford, John Lovelacke and William Butler relating to the loss of Charters.

• 8. 1573: Certified copy of decree herein dismissing the action with costs. [Copy Decree as to Charters. Parsons and others against Lovelacke & another, 16 Elizabeth.]. 5 pages.

• 9. 1574: Certified copy of the information of George Bromley the Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster to Sir Raulfe Sadhere (?Ralph Sadlier) Chancellor of the same Duchy relating to the intrusion by John Yowle and others unto the Queen’s possessions at Hungerford. [Copy of Information of Attorney General (George Bromley) to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster relating to the intrusions of John Yowle and others upon the Queen’s possessions at Hungerford (inter alia) the Fishing of The River and 2 Islands…]. 4 pages.
Things are hotting up!

• 10. -do- Old copy order of Queen Elizabeth that the Inhabitants of Hungerford should thereafter have and enjoy without interruption their ancient libertys Rights &c and fair copy thereof.

Page 3:

• 46. 1683 to 1887: This is wrongly dated 1583. It should be 1683 – see entry below.

• 47. 1683 to 1887: This is wrongly dated 1583. It should be 1683 – see entry below.

• 11. 1591: Certified copy Extracts from Survey of Hungerford taken the 25 May 1591 and Presentment of Jury. [Copy Extracts of Surveys of the Manor of Hungerford and Sanden Fee and Presentment of Jury concerning certain things enquired of at the Court of Surrey, 25th May 1591, 33, Elizabeth.]. 8 pages.
Includes “The Grannte of the Trinitie Chantrie”,”The Grannt of certaine Chantrye land”,”The Grannte of the Mill in Hungerford”, “The Grannte of the Parke”, “31 acre of coppice, the names of the thre coppices there with their several quantities”, “Hungerford Sande Fee”, “an inclosure of Comon”, “Another Inclosure of Comon”, “The alteracon of a water course” (in Piddon field by Thomas Goddard of Standen south), “an incroachment upon the mean river” (by building privies at The Bear), “an other incroc upon the same river” ( “an annoyance by the new erection of two bridges upon the same river” “The Fishing of the Rivers of Hungerford”,”an incroachment by fishing”, “intrusion by fishing”, “faire and market (“yearlie kept on the daie of St. Laurence one faire, and on market on the Wednes-daie weeklye, the profitter whereof are gathered and collected by the portriffe there for the tyme being, but there appeareth not any righte whereby they should possess the profit therof other than by usadge tc.), the fellinge and grunning of wood in Hungerforde parke”.
“The scituacon of the Mannor of Hungerforde. The Mannor and Burrough of Hungerforde is verye healthfully scytuate and the soyle verye fertile for corne and grayne, standing upon a fayre Ryver, wch yeldeth store of fyshe, and especiallie Trowtes and crevices which by some restraynte, would yeld her makie some pffyt whernowe is yeldeth none in that the Inhabitanes pretend title theronto by usage onlye. The trowte of the same River is accompted the beste Trowte within the Land.”

• 12. ?date: Certified copy Extract of parcel of the Queen’s possessions in the County of Berks and translation thereof. [Copy Translation Parcel of the possessions of the Lady the Queen of Her Duchy of Lancaster in the County of Berks. Extracts.]. 2 pages.
This itemises and describes six farms in and around Hungerford, with their tenants, and adjacent tenants or owners.

• 13. 1592 about: Certified copy complaint of John Fowler Constable W. Pollinger and John Yowle &c to Sir J. Heneage Treasurer of the Duchy of Lancaster. [Copy To Sir T. Heneage Treasurer of the Duchy of Lancaster the Complaint of John Fowler constable W. Pollinger and John Yowles.]. 6 pages.
Includes detailed description of sections of the river.

• 14. 1592 about: Certified copy answer of Clement Browns a Defendant thereto. [Copy of The Answer of Clement Brown a Defendant to the Bill of Complaint of J. Fowler, W. Pottinger and J. Yowle.]. 3 pages.
A dispute between the Manors of Denford and Hungerford re ownership and fishing.

• 21. 1598: Certified copy Lease from Queen Elizabeth to Mathias Bacon of the Fishery and Fishing of all Rivers streams ponds and Waterswithin the Manor of Hungerford dated 16 November 1598 and translation thereof. [Copy translation of Lease between Queen Elizabeth and Mathias Bacon of the Fishery at Hungerford.]. 6 pages.
Also the tolls of fairs and markets. Total 26s 8d.

• 15. 1598 about: Certified copy of the information of John Brograve the Attorney General of the Duchy pf Lancaster at the relation of M. Browns to Sir R. Cecil the Queen’s principal Secretary and Chancellor of the same Duchy respecting the intrusion by John Yowell and others upon the Queen’s possessions at Hungerford. [Copy To the Queen’s principal Secretary and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster the Information of John Brograve on her Majesty’s behalf.] 9 pages.
John Brograve was the Queen’s Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Describes the extent of the fishery on the River Kennet, and also lists the mill pounds: “Edington pounde, Hungerforde pounde, Dunn myll pounde, Denford pounde, Charellford pounde, Alvington pounde, and Kinberye pounde”.
Clement Browne of Denford and Alexander Chock of Alvington have without any Right or tytle unlawfully entered in to the said wishinge[sic!] and water of Kynnett…and very many further claims of intrusion.

• 16. 1598 about: Certified copy answers of J. Yowell P. Seamer J. Curr and J. Carpeneter thereto. [Copy of The answers J. Yowell, V. Seamer, J. Curr & T. Carpenter to the information of John Brograve.] 9 pages.

• 17. 1598 about: Certified copy answer of A. Hidden thereto. [Copy of Certified Copy of Answers of Anthony Hydden to the Information of John Brograve.] 5 pages.

• 18. 1598 about: Old copy answers of J. Yowell T. Carpenter J. Curr and E. Collins and fair copy. [Copy The answers of J. Yowle, T. Carpenter, J. Curre & E. Collins Defendants to the information of John Brograve.] 4 pages.

• 18A. 1599: Certified copy answers Adam Blandie and Vincent Smyth thereto.

• 18B. 1599: Certified copy answers of Alexander Chocke and Clement Browns thereto.

• 19. 1599: Certified copy replication of J. Brograve to the above answers. [Copy of The Replication of John Brograve to the answers of Yowle, Seamour, Curre and Carpenter Defendants and to the answer of Anthony Hidden.] 8 pages.

• 20. 1599: Certified copy of Interrogatories and Depositions taken in the above matter on the 23 July 1599. [Copy of Interrogatories and Depositions, 1599.] 26 pages.

• 22. 1602: Presentment of Jury and fair copy thereof.

• 23. 1606: Presentment of Jury upon certain articles touching the King’s (James I) revenues in Hungerford and Sanden Fee and fair copy thereof. 3 pages.
Another survey and account of the property and rights.

• 24. 1607: Survey of the Manor of Hungerford taken 27th July 1607 and fair copy thereof. 7 pages.
Includes list of 22 jurors, and detailed description of the boundaries of the Manor of Hungerford and Sanden Fee.

• 25. 1609: Survey of the Manor of Hungerford, 1609 and fair copy thereof. 5 pages.
Includes list of 24 jurors, and detailed description of the boundaries of the Manor of Hungerford and Sanden Fee.

• 26. 1610: Certified copy Commission to Sir George Hyde to Survey & view the Hungerford Waters &c and Interrogatories and Depositions thereon. [A Commission to inquire of the meets & boundes of Hungerford Brooke & other things touching the same. Interrogations, Depositions and Presentment of Jury.] 27 pages.

Page 4:

• 27. 1612: Certified copy Grant from James I to John Eldred and William Whitmore of the Borough or Manor of Hungerford dated 2 March 1612 and translation thereof. [Copy Grant in Latin of James I (1612) to Eldred and Whitmore. Also Translation of Extracts]. 13 pages.

• 28. 1612: Bargain and Sale from John Eldred and William Whitmore to John Lucas , Robert Fielde, Thomas Carpenter & Ralph Mackarell of the Borough & Manor of Hungerford dated 27 May 1612 & translation thereof. [Copy Translation of Bargain & Sale, Eldred & Whitmore to Lucas & others, 27th May 1612.] 8 pages.
John Eldred and William Whitmore of London…and John Lucas, Robert Fielde, Thomas Carpenter and Ralph Mackarell of Hungerford, yeomen… “for a certain sum of money”… rentes of Assize £7 0s 6½d (and twelve pence yearly to be paid for one pound of pepper) per annum new free rent – 19s 19d per annum … profits of Courts valued at 5s per annum… fishery and all manner Tolls Fairs and Markets within the Town. Fishery Tolls … £10 0s 15½d per annum and all property, land, woodland, watercourses etc

• Not numbered 1612: Translation from the Latin of Conveyance from Eldred and Whitmore to Lucas, 27th May 1612. 7 pages.

• 29. 1613: Bargain and Sale from J. Lucas, R. Fielde, T. Carpenter & R. Mackarell to William Elgar & Anthony Fielde of All that the Borough & Manor of Hungerford dated 9 March 1613 and fair copy thereof. 9 pages.
A further transfer of the Manor – much of the text repeating in a slightly different way the earlier transfers.

• 30. 1613: Bargain and Sale from W. Elgar & A. Fielde to Sir Tomas Parry & others dated 10th March 1613 and fair copy thereof. 8 pages.
The next transfer…

• 31. 1614: Declaration of Trust by Lucas, Fielde & others dated 23 June 1614 & fair copy thereof. 3 pages.
The establishment of the Trust “for the equall good and benefit of all the said inhabitants and their heires”.

• 32. 1614: Mutilated Town Articles of this date & fair copy thereof. [Describes size of common, Freeman’s Marsh etc]. 6 pages.
16 “articles” listing the properties and the owners (not complete).

• 33. 1617: Release by T. Carpenter & R. Mackarell to Sir Francis Knollys, John Mirrall, John Lucas, Robert Fielde & Thomas Sheafe dated 14 June 1617 & fair copy thereof. 2 pages.

• 34. 1617: Feoffment dated 16 June 1617 with articles annexed & fair copy thereof. 12 pages.
This seems to be the first full feoffment document – Sir Francis Knowles, Thomas Cheffe DD, John Wirrill, Clarke and John Lucas, Mercer and Robert Ffeilde, yeoman, in consideration of one penny …enfeoff to … Raphe Mackerell, yeoman, Thomas Carpenter, dyer, Raphe Harrold, butcher, William Dolman, Inkeeper, John Yowell, yeomen, John Smith, tanner, John West, mercer, William Wayte, tanner, Henry Atkins, glover, Ffrancis Geneway, yeoman, John Fforty, yeoman, John Burche, bearbruer, Willi Northcroft, carrier, Humphrey Whittenton, taylor & Thomas Garme, bucher…all that Burroughe and Mannor of Hungerford…”
• (--) 1630: Feoffment dated 3 Dec 1630 with articles annexed & fair copy thereof.

• 38. 1633: Declaration of the Jury to defend their ancient rights & fair copy thereof. [16 Oct 1633. 1 page].

• (--) 1653 Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 10 November 1653.

• 44. 1658 to 1888: Four Books containing Constables’ accounts & fair copy extracts therefrom. [Book 1 1658-1737; Book 21737-1789; Book 3 1790-1831; Book 4 1832-1886. These are extracts only – listing items relating to the fishery, town waters etc]. Total 25 pages.

• 35. 1672: Release dated 11th November 1672.

• (--). 1672: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 12 November 1672 & fair copy extracts thereof.

• (--) 1672: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 12 November 1672 & fair copy extracts thereof.

• (--) 1672: Quit Rent Rolls of the Manor of Hungerford.

• 46. 1683 to 1887: Two Hock Tide Court Books &c containing minutes of meetings, certain ancient customs &c and fair copy extracts therefrom. [Extracts relating to fishery and town waters etc] 29 pages.

• 47. 1683 to 1887: Copy of Ancient Customs therein mentioned. [The Liberty of the Town of Hungerford. Certain ancient Customs perpetually remaining.]. 5 pages.

• 39. 1688: Lease by Feoffees to John Pinnock & William Clifford of the Town Islands dated 1st January 1688 & fair copy thereof. 6 pages.
The Town Islands are in Woodmarsh.

• (--). 1691: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 27 March 1691.

• (--). 1691: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 27 March 1691.

• (--). 1710: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 26 November 1710.

• (--). 1725: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 16 March 1725.

• (--). 1738: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 2 February 1738

• (--). 1751: Feoffment with Articles annexed dated 7 September 1751.

Page 5:

• 48 & 49. 1760 to 1800: Presentments at Hungerford Court Leet & fair copy presentments dated 10th April 1761 & 29 April 1774. [48: Copy Hungerford Court Leet presentments, 10th April 1761. 2 pages] [49: Copy Presentment as to the repairs of the Banks of the River and other property] 4 pages.

• 36. 1766: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 29th March 1766 & fair copy extracts therefrom.

• (--). 1766: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 1st May 1766 & fair copy extracts therefrom.

• (--). 1800: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 28th April 1800 & fair copy extracts therefrom.

• (--) 1801 to 1887: Book containing presentments at Hungerford Court Leet.

• (--) 1807: Feoffment with articles annexed, dated 11 April 1807.

• 40. 1811: Hungerford Enclosure Act 51 Geo III.

• (--). 1818: Release (endorsed on last mentioned Feoffment) dated 16 October 1818.

• 42. 1820: Hungerford Inclosure Award with Maps annexed dated 16 June 1820.

• 43. (no dated): Plan of Manor of Hungerford & tracings therefrom.

• 45. 1821 to 1888: Two Books containing minutes of meetings of Constables & Feoffees. 19 pages plus 7 pages.

• (--). 1822: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 26 April 1822.

• 41. 1831: Plan of the River from Eddington Bridge to Wine Cellar.

• (--). 1839: Feoffment with articles annexed dated 19 July 1839.

• (--). 1851: Release (endorsed on last mentioned Feoffment) dated 14 April 1851.

• 50. 1851: Printed Bill headed “Hungerford Fishery to be let” dated Sept. 26th 1851. 1 page.

• 51. 1852: Printed Bill calling a meeting as to the Fisheries dated 24 May 1852.

• 52. 1863: Counterpart Lease of the Fishery dated 22 October 1863. [The Constable and Feoffees of Hungerford to Mr John Welch – Copy Counterpart Lease of the Hungerford Fishery, 22nd October 1863] 5 pages.

• (--) 1869: Appointment with articles annexed dated 7 May 1869

• 53. 1877: Counterpart Lease of the Fishery dated 3 October 1877 & copy of the original Lease. [The Constable and Feoffees of Hungerford to Messes W.H. Adam and others. Copy Lease of Hungerford Fishery, 3rd October 1877.] 7 pages.

• 37. 1879: Conveyance with articles annexed dated 7 July 1879 & fair copy extracts therefrom.

• 54. 1880: Copy Surrender of Lease dated 24 February 1880. Messrs William Lewington and Richard Henry Barker to Messrs William Hurd Aldam and Henry Collins. [Copy Surrender of Lease of the Hungerford Fishery, 24th February 1880.] 4 pages.

• 55. 1880: Printed Rules & Regulations of the Hungerford Fishery dated 18 June 1880. 1 page.

• 56. 1880: Contract for dredging the River &c dated 4 November 1880.

• (--). 1888: Model of the “locus in quo”.

• (--). 1888: Plan of ditch by G.W.