You are in [Places] [Coffee Houses] ["Red Rose" Coffee House]

We do not yet know just where the "Red Rose" coffee house was sited. There are records of it between 1899 and 1903.

(The Red Rose Coffee House seems to be quite separate to the Coffee House or Coffee Tavern at 7 & 8 High Street, 1891-c.1901).

An entry in the Parish magazine November 1902 states under the section of the Church Lads' Brigade, "In connection with this subject, the Vicar would like to say that the Red Rose Coffee House is now under the management of Mrs Collins. A few alterations in prices are made , by desire of Lady Pearce, on whom the upkeep of the place, and the maintenance of the Sergeant-Instructor entirely falls, entailing, it will readily be believed, a heavy outlay.

The old Club Room, having been condemned as "dangerous" has, by Sir William Pearce's order, been pulled down. This has made it necessary for another room to be found: and the Vicar is glad to say that, by the kindness of Miss Clements and the generosity of Lady Pearce, the old "Assembly Room" has been taken; and the lads will have a snug clubroom for the winter months. The Vicar proposes, with Lady Pearce's entire approval, to make use of this room for extended work among the lads of the town; Mr Brine and Mr King (Curates) will both co-operate with him in this project; and it is hoped that now something may be done for the improvement and amusement of this hitherto rather neglected portion of our community. Details of the arrangements will be posted later at the Coffee House."

The Coffee House was really run by the Church Lads' Brigade Sergeant. Sergeant Collins took over from Sgt Major Chubb in Nov 1902.

The advertisement for a "Permanent Lodger" (soon changed to "Permanent Boarder") appeared every month from November 1902 until at least December 1903.

Photo Gallery:

red rose 190211
red rose 190211

Advert for a lodger at the "Red Rose" Coffee House, Nov 1902

- Advert for a lodger at the "Red Rose" Coffee House, November 1902.