You are in [Places] [Preys Barn]

Among Norman Hidden's papers was the following collection of notes on Preys Barn:

"This appears to have been the name of a small enclosure at the extreme south east of the parish, south of Anville Farm. It seems to be also called Pye's Barn, and appears later as "Praise Barn".

The name was no doubt derived from the Preye family. In 1302 Adam Preye granted land in the fields of Hungerford and Sanden Fee.

Preys Barn as apparently town property in the 16th century, but it is not known when it was sold.

It appears to have belonged at one time to one of the charities."

In addition, there are other notes on Prayes, Preyes, Praise Close, Prese Barn and Prayes Lynch:

1470 Hugo Persone hold 1 barn near "Payes" cum terre nuper Robert Praye" qr 6d

1548 BVM drat lease: 1 meadow called Daysfyld and 1 barn called Pyes Barne, part of lease to William Lovelake.

1549 (Min Acct) "Sprayes Barn" John Curr and Thomas Knight share(?), Curr paying qr 3d and Knight 3d pa ??to BVM

1552 Presse Barn: BVM holds 1 close in which a barn called Prese Barne late was situated, late in tenure of Hugo Person and now in tenure of John Ley, qr 6d.

1573 Survey (T/S p15) Prayes Close.

1573 Survey (T/S p4) A ground called Preys near Hanfield.

1573 Survey (T/S p23) Praise Close.

1573 Nicholas Passion (T/S p15 and 23).

1587 Prayes Lynch mentioned
- In Homefield (Hungerford Engleford Rent Roll p1)
- In Homefield (6 acres E-W) shooting,on Prayes Lynch - p3
- In Middlefield (3 acres E-W) Prayes Lynch on north.

1591 John Curre: 1 tenement and 1 close called Praise containing 4 acres and 15 acres arable, rent pa from Chantry 18s, qr 8d

1591 By indenture John Curre (from Edward Passion) Daneield etc and 1 barn called Pies Barn.

1609 John Curre "2 closes called Dasewells and Praise Barn", qr for Praise Barn 6d.

1610 (DL12/22) "that grange called Pres Barn in Hungerford".

1676 Thomas Curre for Prayes, qr 6d.