You are in [Places] [Other Historic Fields][Clip or Cliffe Close]
Amongst Norman Hidden's papers was the following collection of notes on Clip or Cliffe Close:
1573 Survey (T/S p23): 1 close of pasture called Clip Close in Sanden Fee held by Thomas Sexton, freehold of Robert Harrold : 6d. [R. Sextent holds 1 tenement and a half-acre close of pasture: 2d.]
1591 Survey (T/S p3): Robert Field holds from Robert Harrold 1 messuage and 1 acre: 2d. and 1 other messuage and a close of a half-acre: 6d. "now in possession of John Sandy by grant of Robert Harold, qr 6d".
1609 Survey (T/S p8): Robert Field (Feelde) holds Clip Close as his freehold, in the occupation of John Sandes and pays quit rent: 6d. [Sands or Sames also held from Robert Feelde 1 tenement: q.r. 2d. This was at the South end of the High Street, West side.]
[Robert Field was a freeholder in Sanden Fee, with rights on Helmes Heath. He probably acquired these by his ownership of Clip Close.]
1631 Hocktide Court Book: Anthony Yonge replaced by (sold to?) Richard Noone? (Moore?) who claimed 1 tenement in the tenure of Edward Jenkins and 1 close called Clip Close and 3 half-acres in .... Field.
1676 Q.R. Roll: Widow Bonny for Clip Close: 6d.; John Bacon and his land 10s.
1774 QR. Roll: Gennaway for land late Parsons: 10s. ("Mrs. Goodlake for land late Bacon's"- crossed out) Gennaway for Cliffe Close: 6d.
1795 (QR Roll): Mrs Dorothy Popham for Cliffe Close, qr 6d
1805 (QR Roll): Mrs Dorothy Popham for Cliffe Close, qr 6d
1818 (QR Roll): Thomas Lanfear for Cliffe Close, qr 6d
1819 Tithe Award Map: Owners of Closes in Hungerford and Sandon Fee (excluding Eddington and Charnham Street):
M.L. Smith: Pound Piece
Fanny Duke: Bull Meade, Church Close, Hennick, ..?.. acres (all part of Sanham Green).
Thomas Lanfear: Home Field (Jennaway's) [formerly Cliffe Close? 1805, 1795?]
Catherine Pearse: Shepherd's Close
Bacon's Copse at Sanham Green
Fanny Duke: Sanham Down als Frith Down and St. John's Priory(?) [all at Sanham]
Jennaway: [East of Frith Down]
Robinson: [ditto]
Joseph Atherton: Bell Mead
M.L. Smith: The Parsonage [Penruddock]
T. Major: South end of High Street (West side)
Elizabeth Neal: ditto
Ward: [near the old Swan]
1836 (QR Roll): Trustees of Robert Lanfear for Cliffe Close, qr 6d.