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What is the Town & Manor?

The Town and Manor of Hungerford is a property-managing Registered Charity responsible for a large estate in and around Hungerford, including the Town Hall and Corn Exchange, the John of Gaunt Inn, the fishing in the Rivers Kennet and Dun, the Common and Freeman's Marsh, the Croft and the Market Place.

It is a registered charity regulated by the Charity Commissioners, managed by the Constable of the Town and Manor, and ten Trustees who are elected every three years by public vote.

It was established in 1908 – but it has an ancient history. We know of Constables of Hungerford right back to 1458.

The Town and Manor is separate from the local authority (West Berkshire Council and Hungerford Town Council) but it does work closely with them, and its aim is to provide substantial benefits to the whole community.

This Charitable Trust now managed by
- The Constable (ex-officio), and
- 10 Trustees, elected by public election (and since 2015, up to two further Trustees may be nominated to office).

The Town and Manor is so special because it is unique in the country, and because it has ensured that we have some wonderful resources for all the town (the Common, the Marsh, the Town Hall, amongst others).

The Virtual Museum has many sections on the Town and Manor:


- Origins of the Town and Manor

- The Case of the Missing Charters, 1573

- The James I Grant (1612) and the Feoffment of 1617

- The 1908 Town and Manor Charity Scheme

- Town and Manor today

- Hocktide and Tutti-Day

- The Trustees and Officers of the Town and Manor

- The Town Chest (Common Coffer)

- Beating the Bounds

- Common and Freeman's Marsh

- Hungerford Fishery

- Properties attracting Common Rights

Photo Gallery:


The 1871 Corn Exchange and Town Hall, Aug 2001


Hungerford Common, May 2009


Freeman's Marsh, Aug 2008

- The 1871 Corn Exchange and Town Hall, Aug 2001

- Hungerford Common, May 2009

- Freeman's Marsh, Aug 2008

See also:

- "The Town and Manor, Hocktide and all that!" - a presentation by Dr Hugh Pihlens to the HHA, 22 Jan 2014. See the Powerpoint and Text (both as pdf)

- Survey of the Manors of Hungerford and Sanden Fee, 25th May 1591

- The 1906 Charity Commissioners Report on Charities and Town & Manor

- Sanden Fee

- Constables' Accounts 1658-1789

- Hocktide Court Books

- History of the Town and Manor, by John Newton, 20th April 1995

- Town and Manor of Hungerford website

- "What is The Town and Manor?" - a one-page summary, c2000

- Town and Manor Property map (May 2016)

- Town and Manor archives and press reports