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Vicky Hummell kindly contacted the Virtual Museum (August 2014) saying: "I am the great granddaughter of Helen and William Lambourne who lived at "Ivy Nook", Church Street. I was delighted to see your page about Ernie Lambourne who was killed on the Lynx in 1915. I have a photo of him and a letter he sent to his Mother, Helen Lambourne.

William ran his cordwainer's business from the house.

The photo attached is of William Lambourne son of Helen and William, who was in WW1 in the Irish Hussars, he was a RSM. He was a regular soldier and I think he spent the war in India.

My Mother, who died in February, spent some time in Hungerford with her grandparents so I have some photos and letters. My Mother was the daughter of Helen Pitman, nee Lambourne. We are also related by marriage to the Tubbs.

My paternal great grand father was Inspector Randall who lived at the police station in Hungerford for some time. His daughter, my grandmother, Annie Randall, taught in the local school and was a member of the tennis club."

Photo Gallery:

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18870000 letty lambourne-01

Letty Lambourne, 1887. [Thomas B Howe]

church st 8-02 ivy nook
church st 8-02 ivy nook

Ivy Nook, Church Street, undated

church st 8-01 ivy nook
church st 8-01 ivy nook

Ivy Nook, Church Street, undated

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20150212 8 church st img_3473

8 Church Street, Feb 2015

helen latitia letty lambourne
helen latitia letty lambourne

Three more photos of Helen Latitia (Letty) Lambourne, 1887 [Thomas B Howe]

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18870000 letty lambourne-02

Letty Lambourne, 1887. [Thomas B Howe]

- 8 Church Street, February 2015.

- Ivy Nook, Church Street, undated.

- Ivy Nook, Church Street, undated.

- Letty Lambourne, 1887 [Thomas B Howe].

See also:

- AB Ernest Henry Lambourne