You are in [Places] [Bridge Street Properties] [4 Bridge Street]
[-->3 and 3a Bridge Street] [-->5 Bridge Street]


Earliest information: 1744
Original estate: Priory of St. John
Common Rights? No
Date of current building: 18th century
Grade II Listed

Thumbnail History:

All the properties on the "island" [1-5 Bridge Street] stand on land that was previously the Priory of St. John the Baptist, which had been established in 1232, and was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1547. In 1740 a new road incorporating two bridges was built for easier access to town from Charnham Street, replacing old road in front of Riverside House and through the ford across the River Dun (by Forge Cottage).

This property was always known as "The Great Priory House".

Description of Property:

From Listed Building records: House, now house and shop. 17th century, re-fronted 19th century. Slate roof with flanking chimney to left. Painted stucco with moulded band at 2nd floor and eaves cornice. 3 storeys. 3 glazing bar sashes, deep 20th century fascia at first floor above 20th century shop windows and central door.

Photo Gallery:

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20141108 img_3267

4 Bridge Street, Nov 2014. Mojo & McCoy - Ladies Fashions


4 Bridge Street, Mar 2007. Trevor Moore Designs - Fitted Kitchens


4 Bridge Street, c1950. HW Chivers Cycle Shop

bs02 stirlands
bs02 stirlands

Peter Stirlands, 4 Bridge Street, c1963

- 4 Bridge Street, November 2014. Mojo & McCoy - Ladies Fashions.

- 4 Bridge Street, c.1950. HW Chivers Cycle Shop.

- Peter Stirlands, 4 Bridge Street, c.1963.

- 4 Bridge Street, Mar 2007. Trevor Moore Designs - Fitted Kitchens.


The Priory of St John the Baptist, <1232-c.1547:

<1232: Priory of St. John the Baptist built on the "island".

1547: Priory of St. John dissolved by Henry VIII

Pike family, c.1740-c.1804:

1740: New road and two bridges built for easier access to town from Charnham Street, replacing the old road in front of the Tannery (stood to rear of Riverside house) and the ford (by Forge Cottage)

1744 (DD of 3BS) J. Pike jnr (joiner )

1753-1804 Thomas Pike for the Priory House

Sims family, c.1804-c.1870:

1805-32 Charles Simms (als Sims = Simm)

1836 William Sims (b.c1891) (mason)

1861 (CS#6) William Robeson (37) Tailor.

Alfred Lane, c.1860-c.1872:

1867 Advert in NWN 5 Sep 1867 for Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, sold by Alfred Lane, Photographic and Fancy Repository, Market Place, Hungerford. (It is unclear where this property in the Market Place was before he moved down to Bridge Street)

1871 (CS#8 "7&8 Bridge Street") Alfred Lane (34) (hairdresser & photographer); Alice (11) and one servant.

William Softley Parry, c.1872-c.1898:

1877 Alfred Lane (own), William Softley Parry (occ).

1881 William Parry (47) (photographer).

William Joyce, cycle maker, c.1898-c.1902:

1899 (Kelly's Directory) William Joyce, "smith and machinist" in Bridge Street.

A New, cyclemaker, c.1883/84-c.1906:

1903 (Kelly's Directory) A. New & Co., cyclemakers.

Ernest Clements, watchmaker, c.1906-c.1916/17:

1907-16 Ernest Clements (watchmaker). [Moved to 1 Bridge Street c.1916/17].

1912 T.G. Freeman.

1920 Ernest Charles Brown (cycle dealers )

1922 (Mr. A. Chivers) H. W. Chivers bought 4 BS from his uncle Ernest Brown

1932 Miss Freeman for "House formerly Pike's late Charles Sims, then W. Sims", q.r. 4d.

1939 (Blacket's) A. Chivers, cycle and radio agent
1939 (KD) H.W.Chivers & Son (Arthur) (cycle agent)

1956 (A. Chivers) sold to Mr. Jack Dowdeswell (a jockey) (hardware store)

1958 (Mr. Alan Crook) Dowdeswell sold to Mr. & Mrs. Whiting (hardware)

?c1960 Peter Stirland (see photo above). (Dates of this currently unclear)

1965 (Mr Alan Crook, 57 Sanden Close, interviewed by LPP 6.7.1983): Whiting sold to Mr. & Mrs. A. Crook (hardware, china, glass & paints) shop called "Decor". Made some internal alterations to flat upstairs; wall of wattle and daub, just a few old timber beams. Often flooded with water entering through back door, through shop, and out into Bridge Street.

1978 (A.Crook) Crook sold to Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Teacher (paintings & prints)

c1979 Teacher sold to Anthony O' Donovan ("Jervis Antiques")

c1984 O'Donovan sold to John & Angela Wallbank ("Victoria's Bedroom " - brass bedsteads & linen)
1988 Victoria's Bedroom "Large stock of Victorian and modern brass bedsteads also quality pine bedroom furniture".
2000 Victoria's Bedroom, but for sale. Moved to 127 High Street.

Oct 2000 Re-opened as "The House of Shanghai" – oriental reproduction furniture, for a few weeks only!

Mar 2002 Trevor Moore Designs – fitted kitchens
Sep 2013 Trevor Moore Designs closed (moved to Marlborough)

Nov 2014 Mojo & McCoy - ladies fashions. Closed December 2023.

See also:

- Priory of St. John

- Cycle Shops

- Photographers