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A file of miscellaneous papers is held in the HHA Archive. They consist of:

- Letter dated 16 Jul 1999 from Mrs J.R. Goddard of the Goddard Association in Europe, listing family members dates. This is by way of a thankyou for having had access to the then Lidderdale file in the HHA Archive.

- Photograph (very poor quality) of the Monument to Master Robert Richardson, Prior of St Mary's Isle and Lord High Treasurer of Scotland.

- Photocopy of Map of S Mary YL (centre) showing the fortalice and woods. Detail from Pont's Map of Galloway.

- Photocopy (very poor quality) of cameo of Charles Henry Lidderdale, Actuary, Founder Member of the Actuary's Institute.

- Photocopy (very poor quality) of the Monument (and inscription panel) to Captain John Lidderdale, his widow and unmaried children.

- Two photocopies (very poor quality) of the Memorial Window at St. Mary's Church Kintbury to John Lidderdale, Esqre, M.D.

- Typed and handwritten notes (two pages) regarding Lidderdale / Pearce (aka Pearse) marriage, and the pulpit in St. Lawrence Church, Hungerford.

- Photocopy of the signature on the Tax Roll for the Priorie of St. Marie Ile for 1630:
    a) Thomas Lidderdale of the Ile, Prior of St Marie Ile, Steward Depute of Kirkcudbright, who attended the Convention of Estates in 1626.
    b) James Lidderdale, Younger, of Sanct Marie Ile.
    c) Mr John Meikill, notary public in Kirkcudbright.

- Photocopy of the signature of Y+Thomas Lidderdale of Isle, "Baroun" of Sanct Marie Isle, Steward Depute of Kirkcudbright, and Commissioner of Militia, of Excise and of Supply, Convenoer of the Commission of Militia and Excise.

- Photocopy (small but reasonable quality) of the Plan of Ward's Fork, Virginia, the property of John Lidderdale of Castlemilk.

- Photocopy of hand-drawn copy of of a conjectural Scottish Castle (by Major D Maitland Titterton, TD, FSA). "The above might well apply to St Mary Isle".

- Photocopy (good quality) of Gretna Hall, Dumfrieseshire, residence at the time of his death in 1814 of William Robertson Lidderdale, late of Castlemilk.

- Photocopy of part of a printed article about "The new mansion at St Mary's Isle", and the accompanying photocopy (poor quality) of "St Mary's Isle (Old House) - The seat of the Earl of Selkirk, formerly the seat of the Lidderdales."

- Photocopy of the Coat of Arms of Thomas Lidderdale of St. Mary Isle.

- Photocopy of Map of S Mary YL (centre) showing the fortalice and woods. Detail from Pont's Map of Galloway. (Enlargement of the map above).

- Photocopy (very poor quality) of cameo of William Lidderdale, Deputy Inspector General of Army Hospitals.

- Photocopy (very poor quality) of cameo of Captain John Lidderdale, Berkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, late Officer in the Fifteenth Light Dragoons.

- Photocopy of photograph of Doctor John Lidderdale.

- Photocopy of portrait of Robertson Lidderdale of Castlemilk, with accompanying hand-written notes.

- Photocopy of painting of H.C.S. Warren Hastings, commanded by William Lidderdale. Painted off Canton.

- Typewritten letter dated 5 Mar 1986 from ?whom? at 29 Park House, Park Place, Cheltenham, Glos addressed to "My dear Jane", mentioning: John Lidderdale (the writer's gt-gt-grandfather) and the commemorative tomb (demolished in 1965) in the churchyard of St. Lawrence Church, Hungerford; Robertson Lidderdale of Castlemilk; and William Lidderdale.

- Photocopy of a portrait of Eleanora Lidderdale.

- Photocopy (poor quality) of a portrait of Anne Pearce Lidderdale.

- Part (four pages including a poor photocopy of the tomb) of a paper on the Lidderdale Tomb in St. Lawrence's Churchyard (removed 1965).

See also:

- The pulpit in St Lawrence Church