You are in [People] [Family History] [Lambourne Family]

Vicky Hummell kindly contacted the Virtual Museum (August-September 2014) with much information about the Lambourne family.

Katherine Swinney contacted (January 2021) to advise certain amendments to the Descendants of Thomas Lambourne (see below).

Photo Gallery:

Lambourne Family
Lambourne Family

Lambourne family outing outside J. Whiscombe, 90-93 High Street, c1918.

Lambourne Family
Lambourne Family

Lambourne family: Back row L-R: Frank, Norman, Walter, George. Front row: Florence, Ted, Rose, ???. On ground: Harold.

Lambourne family outing outside J. Whiscombe, 90-93 High Street, c.1918.

Lambourne family: Back row L-R: Frank, Norman, Walter, George. Front row: Florence, Ted, Rose, ???. On ground: Harold.

See also:

- The Descendants of Thomas Lambourne, died 1755