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The Boy Scouts movement was founded by Robert Baden-Powell in 1908. The first troop in Hungerford was originally called "The St. Lawrence's Troop", but this was later changed to "1st Hungerford Troop".

A second troop was raised in Hungerford in 1913.

The NWN reported on 30th October 1913:

"There was a good attendance at the Church House of candidates for enrolment.

The troop has been affiliated with the headquarters of the BP (Baden Powell) Scouts. The association is open to boys of every class and denomination.

A good number of persons had promised support, both morally and financially, and an anonymous friend had given them £20.

The lads were enrolled by Scoutmaster Rev C.C.T. Naters, some 30 attending for the purpose.

Mr T. Levy promised a prize to the boy who became most efficient during the first year".

Baden Powell Boy Scouts:

A meeting of the committee, embracing all creeds and shades of opinion was held at the Town Hall. Mr I. Pountain was voted to the chair, and business proceeded with the election of officers.

For that of Scoutmaster, Mr T.W. Alexander proposed Mr Morley Slade, remarking that he considered Mr Slade was essentially a boys' friend. They all knew of the great interest Mr Slade had taken in the welfare of the lads, and were certain he would study their interests to the letter.

Mr Strickland seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Mr Slade thanked the committee, and would like to say the starting of the Hungerford Town troop was not in any way in opposition to the troop formed out of the Church Lads Brigade.

The idea was to start a troop to which lads of any denomination could belong. There was only one condition; the lads were expected to belong to some religious denomination and attend its services, or perhaps some Sunday school. He wanted it to be clearly understood that it was quite an undenominational movement.

The name of the troop was discussed. The St Lawrence's Troop, as first known, had adopted the name of the 1st Hungerford Troop. It was decided to call the troop the Hungerford Town Troop.

Upwards of 40 boys had given in their names for membership."

Jack Williams says (August 2014) that the Scout Hut in the early 1940s was behind Croft Hall, later in Everland Road (at the far, eastern, end) and by the 1950s it was in Croft Field. Ron Tarry remembered (NWN 20 Nov 2007) that the hut was formerly a cow shed belonging to Parsonage Farm, and that under the supervision of local builder George Pounds, the cow stalls were removed, the floor concreted, and the walls plastered and painted.

Hungerford Scouts folded for a time, but was reformed, as the 1st Hungerford Scouts Group in November 1967.

Hungerford Scouts - unisex Scouts, Cubs and Beavers group eventually moved to new headquarters behind Croft Hall in 1987 when the community rallied round to help raise thousands of pounds for its construction..

These premises had a £10,000 refurbishment in 2007, partly funded by Greenham Common Trust, dedicated fund-raisers.

See also:

- Boy Scouts, HHA Archives [B48].

- Boys Brigade