You are in [Places] [High Street Properties] [32 High Street]
[-->31 High Street] [-->Congregational Church]


Earliest information: c.1470
Original estate: Hungerford
Common Rights? Yes (Frontage 18ft + 7ft = 25ft; 2 horses or 4 cows)
Date of current building: 16th or 17th century with frontage from c.1800.
Listed? No

Thumbnail History:

Sare -> Farrendon -> Salisbury (baker) -> New (tailor) -> Richens "Manse" School -> James.

Description of property:

(By John Brooks, c.1980): Frontage dates from about 1800, exceptional rubbed dressings over archway, building behind frontage is 16th or 17th century. Timber framing can be seen from Chapel carriageway and garden of 31 HS. Cellars from back to front of property. Tudor style panelling in rooms on ground floor (small square panels with moulded uprights). Queen post in roof space. Two bays. Heightened in front with slate onto High Street. Original tiled steeper pitch, behind. Secret passageway at rear.

Photo Gallery:


32 High Street, Jan 2007


Upper High Street, c1910

20210228 09.19.29b
20210228 09.19.29b

32 High Street, 28 Feb 2021.

- 32 High Street, January 2007.

- Upper High Street, c.1910.

- 32 High Street, 28th February 2021.


c.1470 (NH) ?Kymber

1552 (NH) ?Lyster

1573 (NH) ?freehold owned by John and Margaret Pinnock; tenanted by Jane Williams.

1591 (NH) ?freehold owned by John and Margaret Pinnock; tenanted by William Werge.

1606 (NH) Owned by Anthony Gregory. Quit rent 4d.

1611 (NH) Gregory died in 1611 and the property passed under a Gregory's will (in which he is described as husbandman) to his kinsman William Pearse who was then dwelling with him, but a moiety or half of his estate was to belong to Gregory's wife Mary during her lifetime. She died in 1625, and William Pearse survived until 1657/8. William Pearse's name appears in the Hocktide Court lists of freesuitors from 1611 when he was first admitted until his death.

Sare family, 1660-1716:

1660 (NH) William Pearse's name has been replaced by that of Thomas Sare the wheelier or wheelwright

1676 (NH) (QR) Thomas Sare, q.r. 6d. [The quit rent has been increased to 6d p.a., a sum which then continued to be levied as long as quit rents were payable, that is until their abolition in the 20th century. It is not known what circumstances had caused this unusual change in the traditonally fixed quit rent, but it is likely that some additional land may have been acquired by Thomas Sare, a supposition supported by mention of 1 acre "belonging to the messuage" which appears in a later document. Thomas Sare the wheelier – the epithet is nearly always insisted on in local documents to distinguish from at least one other Thomas Sare in Hungerford who as his contemporary – had been admitted as a freesuitor in 1656 and his name appears regularly on the list of freesuitors up to and including 1680; by 1690 however, his place has been taken by the (unnamed) "heir of Thomas Sare". The parish register may help to explain this with entries of the burials in December 1687 of "Thomas Sare the elder" and in December 1688 of "Thomas Sare", presumably the son Thomas born in 16...

1716 (NH) Although it is almost impossible to disentangle the relationships of the various multifarious Sares, the property clearly passed to William Sare, since in the year 1716 a Foot of Fine (Mih. 3 Geo. I Berks) records the purchase of property from William Sare and his wife by Thomas Eastmond. The "heir of Thomas Sare" disappears from the list of freesuitors in the Hocktide Court Books and Thomas Eastmond appears in his place.

Eastmond family, 1716- 1733:

1733 (*1) T. Eastmond Lease & Release to Daniel Farrendon (see will of Daniel Farrendon 1746)

Farendon family, 1733-1793:

1739 (NH) Eastmond had himself been replaced by Daniel Farendon, and the deeds of the present property (held by Robert Walker James) include a lease and release in 1733 by Thomas Eastmond to Daniel Farendon, thus indicating that the property had changed hands.

1745/6 (NH) Daniel Farendon died in 1745/6. He made his will in February 1735/6 (probate 18 July 1746), describing himself as victualler. In his will he states "Whereas I am seised in fee simple of a messuage or tenement, brewhouse, and 1 acre of land thereto belonging, and situate in Hungerford, which I lately purchased of Thomas Eastmond, I give and devise the same to Margaret my wife during her widowhood, then to my son John".

1753 (NH) (QR) We know that John Farendon succeeded to the property because the 1753 quit rent roll gives him as the person responsible for payment of the quit rent. This was the year in which he was Constable. Two years later, in 1755, he died, leaving a widow Elizabeth (nee Biss) whom he had married in 1743, and two daughters Elizabeth (born 1744) and Ann (born 1747). [See Sun Fire Insurance Vols 173 & 321 (1779 and 1780) Elizabeth Farrendon, bakery.]

1771 (*1) Mrs.E.A.M. Farrendon Assignment to Mr. Thomas Peel.
1774 (NH) (QR) Widow Farrendon continued in occupation of the house and was so recorded by the 1774 quit rent roll. She lived a long life, dying in 1793, outliving her daughter Elizabeth who remained a spinster and seeing her other daughter Ann married to Benjamin Salisbury (in 1772).
1775 (*1) Mrs. Farrendon & others mortgage to Mr. William Miller
1779 (*1) Mrs. S. Miller & others by the visitation of Mrs. Farrendon & others to Mr. Joseph Hulbrook (?Fulbrook?)- Assignment of Mortgage
1781 (CL) Mrs. Farrendon (no. 93 on list) - Robert Smith & John Curr to south, Thomas Edmonds to north.
1793 (NH) Elizabeth Farrendon baker (see Insurance vols 273, 321) – buried 29 May 1793.

Salisbury family, 1794-1854:

1794 (*1) John Eastmond & others to Benjamin Salisbury - Release of Right. [*NB: In 1772 Benjamin Salisbury married Ann Farendon at Hungerford]

1795 (NH) (QR) This little piece of family history enables us to understand what happened next to the ownership, for the next available quit rent roll in 1795 gives the payee as Benjamin Salisbury. This Benjamin Salisbury was Constable of the town for the three years from 1801-1803, during the celebrated case in Chancery concerning the town's rights in Freeman's Marsh brought by farmer Webb against the town (Webb v. Salisbury). He was said by defence counsel to have been a blacksmith and counsel continued that "the whole Corporation consists of little tradesmen who neither know, nor have the time to watch for, the gradual encroachments of their neighbours" (such as they claimed the Hopgrass farmer had made on Freemans Marsh). His three years of Constableship cannot have been altogether happy or without strain.

1801 (*2) Congregational Church - "building obtained & fitted for services"
1805 (*2) First Pastor appointed - W. Paxton [??William Laxon P.R.O. RG4/232]
1805 (QR) Benjamin Salisbury
1807 (CL) Salisbury (no. 76 on list) - no. 75?, no. 77(=31 HS to north) - Knaxtone.

1817 (*2) Congregational Church "building altered & enlarged"
1817 (BD) of 1864 - Congregational Chapel built

1818 (QR) Benjamin Salisbury - Devisees of Benjamin Friend to south

1819 (EA) Plot 20 - "Salisbury", ?Cur to north, no entry to south.

1818-1832 (NH) (QR) Be that as it may, the house continued to be owned by Benjamin Salisbury until, at a date between 1818 and 1832, it descended to his son Charles Salisbury (born 1780). It is marked Salisbury on the Enclosure Award map of 1819, the map showing the next door property on the south as belonging to Jethro Ryman Curr, and (according to HHA printout) no entry on the north side. [Curr died 1813, so the reference is to the claimant in 1811]. The map also shows 1 acre of land allotted in place of that at Squire Hedge or Squire Hedge in Middlefield which had been acquired by Thomas Sare so many generations earlier. The new allotment was conveniently located at the rear of Salisbury's garden or backside (see Enclosure claim no. 82 and allotment award no. 93).

1836 (QR) Charles Salisbury for house late Benjamin Salisbury's, q.r. 6d.

1840 Congregational Church built (date on frontage) (to south of manse) Front left corner stone "The Chapel erected AD 1817 Having become inadequate This corner stone was laid May 28th 1840 By The Rev. Richard Frost" Building behind used ?dates, as school-room.

1841 (CS) Charles Salisbury (60), farmer
1844 (PD) Charles Salisbury, baker & mealman, HS.
1847 (CL) Charles Salisbury (own & occ)
1847 (KD) Charles Salisbury, baker, HS
1851 (CS) James Salisbury (56), proprietor of houses
1854 (NH) When Charles Salisbury died (date ..?) the property was inherited by (?his son?) James Salisbury, by whom it was sold on 31st December 1854 to Thomas Langford , late of Hungerford, yeoman. Langford held it only for a short while, dying in 1857. By his will he gave "all that dwelling house, shop, garden, rights and appurtenances thereto … and then occupied by Caleb Bailey" to his wife Miriam for the term of her life and after her death to his niece Sarah Ann Atherton.

Langford family, 1854-1866:

1854 (*3) James Salisbury sold to T. Langford (Thomas Langford & wife Miriam, lived at 120 HS - QR & CL,1830's to 1860's, maltster & farmer)

1857 (*3) Thomas Langford died, property = dwelling house, shop & garden to wife Miriam, then occupied by Caleb Bailey (1864 BD = Agent to County Fire & Provident Life Office, Church Croft).

1861 (CL) Mrs. Langford (own); R.D. Shield (occ)

1861 (CS) Robert Shield (43), Surgeon MRCS (in practice)

1866 (NH) In 1866 the Congregational Church "requiring the said messuage for the purpose of a residence for their minister, and for other purposes in connection with their chapel or meeting house (to which the said messuage or hereditaments adjoin) agreed to purchase from Miriam Langford and Sarah Anne Atherton for £500, which money has been raised partly by voluntary donations by members of the Society and partly by loan.

Trustees of the Congregational Chapel, 1866-1962:

1866 (*3) M. Langford & S.A.Atherton (T.Langford's niece) sold for £500 to The Trustees of The Congregational Chapel the "dwelling house with the brewhouse, barn, stable & backside yard". To the north = The Hungerford Savings Bank & garden ground & workshop belonging to Mrs. Child, occupied by Thomas Beasant, on the west by the road leading from Church Street towards the Salisbury Road. To the south = Independant Chapel and the garden of the messuage belonging to Mr. Herbert Hogsflesh, occupied by Miss Turner; previous owners Benjamin Charles and James Salisbury respectively in succession, and were late in occupation of Caleb Bailey, then John Perry as tenant.

1866 Indenture (C54 / 16618 (1866 roll 140, enrolment no.22) (=m.9) Indenture 22 Nov 1866 between Miriam Langford of Hungerford Berks widow of the 1st part and Sarah Atherton of Hungerford spinster of the 2nd part, and Joseph Buckeridge veterinary surgeon, George Buckeridge tailor, Joseph Rosier labourer, George Skinner draper, William Robbins shoemaker, George Batt coal agent, James Day hairdresser, and Daniel Clifford horsekeeper, all of Hungerford, being members of the Congregation or Society of Protestant Dissenters denominated Independants, of the 3rd part; and John Walker draper, Joseph Dredge auctioneer, John Bodman draper, John Freegood farmer, ..?.. Adnams corn Dealer, William Gibbs draper, all of Hungerford, and the said Joseph Buckeridge, William Buckeridge, George Buckeridge, Joseph Rosier, George Skinner, William Robbins, George Batt, James Day and Daniel Clifford (trustees of the said Congregation or Society) hereinafter called the Trustees, of the 4th part.

Whereas by an indenture dated 30th Dec 1854 between James Salisbury of the 1st part, and Thomas Langford late of Hungerford yeoman since deceased of the 2nd part, and Richard Killick of the 3rd part for a messuage or dwelling house situate on the west side of High Street to be sold to Thomas Langford. And whereas Thomas Langford made and executed his last will dated 3rd June 1856, and thereby gave the messuage and heredits by the description "all that dwelling house shop, garden, rights and apputenances thereto … and then occupied by Caleb Bailey" (1848, married Emma Hidden) unto his wife the said Miriam Langford for the term of her natural life, insuring the same against loss or damage by fire and after the decease of his wife the testator gave the same to his niece Sarah Anne Atherton. And whereas Thomas Langford died 2nd August 1857, probate given 2nd March 1858 (James Froom, Richard Killick, Miriam Langford being executors). And whereas the Congregation requiring the said messuage for the purpose of a residence for their minister and for other purposes in connection with their Chapel or Meeting House (to which the said messuage and heredits adjoin) the parties of the 3rd part being representatives of the Congregation or Society aforesaid, agreed to purchase from Miriam Langford and Sarah Anne Atherton for £500 which money has been raised partly by voluntary donations by members of the Society and partly by loan; and the parties of the 3rd part have requested the property to be conveyed to the parties of the 4th part as Trustees "all that messuage or dwelling house with the brewhouse barn stable backside yard and garden thereunto adjoining" bounded on the north partly by the Hungerford Savings Bank premises and partly by the garden ground and workshop belonging to Mrs Child and occupied by Mrs Beasant in the west by the road leading from Church Street towards the Salisbury Road, on the south partly by the Independent Chapel premises and partly by the garden of a messuage belonging to Mr Herbert Hogsflesh occupied by Miss Turner and on the east side by the High Street. The premises were heretofore in the possession and occupied by Benjamin Charles and James Salisbury respectively in succession and were late in occupation of Caleb Bailey and now of John Perry as tenant thereof, together with rights of common for 2 horses or 4 cows to a pasture on Hungerford Down and Freemans Marsh.

22 Nov 1866. Miriam Langford and Sarah Anne Atherton came before the Court of Chancery and acknowledged the indenture and it was enrolled 26 Nov 1866.

1871 (CS) William Bevan, Independant Minister
- (CS) Emma Bailey, widow

1872 (Parish Magazine) Advert for the Market Place School, run by the Misses Bailey – possibly here?

1881 (CS) Ellis Davenport, Independant Minister of Hungerford Chapel

1895 (KD) Stephen Owen New, Tailor, HS.

1896 (CL) Trustees of Independant Chapel (own) - Stephen Owen New (occ)

1902 (T&M Register) trustees of Independant Chapel (owners until ?1967)

1903 (KD) Stephen Owen New, tailor, HS.
1902 (T&M Register) Stephen Owen New (occupier until 1908)

1905-10 (*5) Thought this was site of Salt – coachbuilder?

1909 (T&M Register) Anthony Bowsher (occupier until ?1917)
1911 (KD) Anthony Bowsher, plumber, HS
1914 (CL) Trustees of Independant Chapel (own) - Anthony Bowsher (occ)

1914? (*4) Mrs. Bridget Richens started Preparatory School during 1st World War.

1918 (T&M Register) James Batt (occupier until ?1919)

1920 (T&M Register) Alfred Mills Junior (occupier until ?1927)

1920 (KD) Misses Richens in Lancaster Villa, Church Street)

1928 (T&M Register) J H Elverson (occupier until ?1931)

1932 (QR) Congregational Church – The Manse "House formerly Faringdon's afterwards Benj. Salisbury then C. Salisbury".

1932 (T&M Register) Richard Richens (owneruntil ?1938)

1939 (Blacket's) R. Richens, The Manse. Miss S. Richens, Preparatory School
1939 (T&M Register) Mrs Bridget Richens (occupier until ?1967)
1947 (CL) Mrs Bridget Richens
1952 (CL) Miss Sarah Richens
1956 (CL) Miss Sarah Richens
1960 (*4) Miss Sally Richens died. School closed.

Kingsland family, 1962-1963:

1962 (*3) Conveyance: Congregational Chapel sold to P.W. Kingsland for £950. Right of Way to Chapel preserved. (Good plan of site).

1963 (CL) Peter William Kingsland

James family, 1963-present:

1963 (*3) P.W. Kingsland sold to Norman Ernest James and Dudley George Walker James for £1950. Right of Way to Chapel preserved.

1963- (*4) Robert Walker James, Commoner, of 32 HS. (NJ & DJ own). Ground floor used as James' office, Mr & Mrs Liddiard occupants of upstairs flat.
1967 (T&M register) Norman Ernest James and Dudley George Wallern James (owners)
1967 (T&M Register) Robert Walker James (occupier)
1968 (CL) Robert Walker James
1970 (CL) Robert Walker James
1976 (CL) Robert Walker James
1983 (CL) Robert Walker James
1984 (CL) Robert Walker James
1985 (CL) Robert Walker James
198?-1990 Robert James ran "Windsor & Neate Travel Agents" in this office until he moved to 107 Bartholomew Street, Newbury.
1993 Dudley had died, still used by N & D James, Robert James.
2000 (CL) Robert Walker James
2000 Also office of The Adviser (Geoff Adams) for a short time.
2005 (CL) Robert Walker James
2007 Robert James
2011 (CL) Void

2016 (CL) Robert Kevin Dodson

Documents on file:
1962 – 32 HS property and freehold conveyance between The Chapel and Peter William Kingsland
1963 – HM Land Registry shows West end of plot in blue sold to Spackman 4.12.1964. Freehold and rights of way (in red) over the passageway in yellow.

Ground floor plan of Chapel and adjacent manse – proposed alterations, not dated.

Key to reference sources:

*1 = URC Trust United Reform Church Records, 86 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RT
*2 = The Rev. W.H. Summers , "The Story of Hungerford"
*3 = Deeds of 32 HS (several documents, all 20th century. A 1962 Abstract of Title refers back to 1854.
*4 = Mr. Robert James
*5 = Mr Sonner North

See also:

- Sally Richens "Manse School"