You are in [Artefacts] [Social History] [Workhouse Regulations, 1914]

Historical artefacts can turn up anywhere!

This very interesting board, listing the Workhouse Regulations in 1914, was found in some rubbish in a poling station. The reverse side, which is blue, was used as a direction board for polling day - saying "A-K inclusive"!

Photo Gallery:

workhouse regulations 1914
workhouse regulations 1914

Hungerford & Ramsbury Union Workhouse Regulations, 1914.

- Hungerford & Ramsbury Union Workhouse Regulations, 1914.

The Transcription:

The transcription is fascinating:

Hungerford & Ramsbury Union

Relating to the Hours and Places of Meals and Work, and the hours of rising and going to bed.

Whereas the Guardians of the above-named Union are required by Article 47 of the Poor Law Institutions Order, 1913, to make regulations relating to the hours and places of meals and work, and the hours of rising and going to bed for the Inmates of the Institution.

It is hereby Ordered:

1. That the hours of meals shall be as follows:
     Breakfast: 7-30
     Dinner: 12-30
     Supper: 6-0 (Summer) 5-30 (Winter)

2. Meals shall be served in the general dining hall, except for the following classes of inmates for whom meals shall be served in the appropriate wards, viz:-

     Inmates of the Sick Wards

3. The following shall be the hours and places of work:-

     Able-bodied men:
     25th March - 29th Sept: 8-0 to 12-15; 1-30 to 5-30. As directed by the Master or the Labour Master

     Able-bodied men:
     29th Sept. - 25th March: 8-0 to 12-15; 1-30 to 5-0. As directed by the Master or the Labour Master

     Able-bodied Women:
     25th March - 29th Sept: 8-0 to 12-15; 1-30 to 5-0. As directed by the Matron, or the Labour Mistress

     29th Sept - 25th March: 8-0 to 12-15; 1-30 to 5-0. As directed by the Matron, or the Labour Mistress

Only the necessary work shall be performed by the inmates on Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day. An inmate who is pregnant or recently confined, or suckling and infant, shall only be employed at such work and for such hours as the Medical officer may approve.

An inmate shall not, unless approved for the particular employment by the Medical Officer and acting under the immediate supervision of a paid Officer, be employed in any capacity in the sick wards, lunatic wards, or nurseries, and shall not in any circumstances be employed in nursing a sick inmate.

Any inmate who shall refuse or neglect work, after being required to do so, shall be deemed disorderly, and may be punished accordingly.

An inmate shall not be employed on any work which in the opinion of the Medical Officer would be injurious to his health.

4. The following shall be the hours of rising and going to bed:-

     During the Summer Months:

     Able-bodied: Time of rising: 5-45am Time of going to bed: 9pm
     Infirm: 6-30am 7pm
     Children: 6-30am 7pm

     During the Winter Months:

     Able-bodied: Time of rising: 6-45am Time of going to bed: 8pm
     Infirm: 7am 7pm
     Children: 7am 7pm

5. A printed copy of these Regulations shall be exhibited by the Master in the Dining Hall of the Institution.

By Order

H. D'O Astley
Clerk to the Guardians
1st April 1914

See also:

- Workhouses