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A collection of photographs kindly given to the Virtual Museum by Robert James, October 2016.


- St Lawrence Church. (Frith's Series)


- Interrior of St Lawrence Church, pre-1923. (Frith's Series)

st lawrence 1903 chester vaughan
st lawrence 1903 chester vaughan

St Lawrence Church, 1903. (Chester Vaughan Series)

19120410 inglewood fire
19120410 inglewood fire

Fire at Inglewood House, 10 Apr 1912. (Albert Parsons) (Thanks to Robert James)

st johns mission hall-09
st johns mission hall-09

St John's Mission Hall at Harvest Festival. Undated. (Albert Parsons).

coronation 1953_04
coronation 1953_04

High Street decorated for Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation, Jun 1953

19800712 collecting dues from stall holders
19800712 collecting dues from stall holders

Collecting the dues from stall-holders. L-R Roger King (Bailiff), Robin Tubb (Town Crier), Mr & Mrs Joe Stokes. 12 Jul 1980.

coal waggon 80
coal waggon 80

Horse and waggon (?from the brickworks?) in the High Street. Undated.

church_69 tufnall 1906
church_69 tufnall 1906

St Lawrence Church, c1906. Tuffnall's Series

st lawrence c1923 a parsons series
st lawrence c1923 a parsons series

St Lawrence Church, c1923. A Parsons Series

eddington mill house kingsway series
eddington mill house kingsway series
eddington mill house kingsway series
eddington mill house kingsway series

Eddington Mill. (Kingsway Series)

19841200 dobsons
19841200 dobsons

Dobson's, 5 High Street, Dec 1984.

19000000ca high street mpc series
19000000ca high street mpc series

Market Place, c1900. (MPC Series)

19000000 st lawrence church - freemans series
19000000 st lawrence church - freemans series

St Lawrence Church, c1904. (Freeman's Series) (from Robert James)

- St. Lawrence's Church, c.1904. (Freeman's Series).

- St. Lawrence's Church, 1903. (Chester Vaughan Series).

- St. Lawrence's Church, c.1906. (Tuffnall's Series).

- St. Lawrence's Church. (Frith's Series).

- St. Lawrence's Church, c.1923. (A Parsons Series).

- Fire at Inglewood House, 10th April 1912. (Albert Parsons).

- Horses and waggon (?from the brickworks) in High Street. Undated.

- Market Place, c.1900. (MPC Series).

- Interrior of St. Lawrence's Church, pre-1923. (Frith's Series).

- St. John's Mission Hall at Harvest Festival. Undated. (Albert Parsons).

- Dobson's, 5 High Street, Dec 1984.

- High Street decorated for Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation, June 1953.

- Collecting the dues from stall-holders. L-R Roger King (Bailiff), Robin Tubb (Town Crier), Mr & Mrs Joe Stokes. 12 July 1980.

- Eddington Mill. (Kingsway Series).