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What are the Commoners' Lists?

In Hungerford, Commoners' Lists are updated each year. They comprise the "List of the several owners of Common Rights on the Hungerford Common Port Down, in the Borough and Manor of Hungerford, and on Freeman's Marsh in the Manor of Sanden Fee, Hungerford, in the County of Berks, with the names of the present occupiers of the Tenements to which such Rights are appendant, and the number of Commons belonging to each.

Commoners' Lists are extant covering a great span of time. Many of these have now been transcribed, and are available on-line. The records are largely recorded in the same sequence from year to year. Along with the Quit Rent rolls, they have greatly helped our investigation of the early owners and tenants of key properties in the High Street and Bridge Street.

The original Commoners' Lists are available at the Berkshire Record Office (H/AHo)

Transcriptions of Commoners' Lists are available (as pdf) for all the following years listed (1781-1983).

Those marked with "scan" also have the original documents available on-line as pdfs:

- 1781 (scan)

- 1807

- 1843 (scan)

- 1847 (scan) (BRO H/AHo 2)

- 1861 (scan)

- 1896

- 1901 (scan) (BRO H/AHo 4B)

- 1914 (scan) (BRO H/AHo 6)

- 1947

- 1952

- 1956

- 1963

- 1968

- 1970

- 1976

- 1983

- 1985 (scan)

- 2000

- 2011

- 2016 for Town & Manor, and Sanden Fee

See also:

- Quit Rent rolls